After all that he had zero responses to his profile.He'd spent most of the night tossing and turning and debating weather to delete the app again but by morning he felt oddly calm and decided to leave things as they were. Still he would have expected at least one response. Was he really that bad in trunks?
The week flew by quickly and by Wednesday Aiden started talking to him again and joining them at lunch. It hadn't taken long thought Liam in amusement but then the dark haired boy was probably running out of excuses especially as it was raining which made it difficult to play football.
Oddly things didn't seem uncomfortable which made Liam wonder weather Aiden had really been avoiding him after all or maybe he decided he'd over reacted.
Liam briefly wondered what Aiden would think of his profile on a gay dating app. He tried desperately not to think of the kiss that they had shared but it was proving difficult every time he stared at Aiden with his messed up hair and his uniform in disarray. He tried not to stare too long but every now and then he would be met by a pair of equally curious brown eyes.
By Thursday Weasel was talking about some club he wanted to take them to in town that apparently he'd been to a few time's with work colleagues. Dom and Liam were both sceptical as they hadn't even heard of Ground Zero and their town wasn't that big. Jimbo and Aiden declined as they were going on a double date with Jimbos girlfriend and friend but agreed to meet in the local pub beforehand for a few drinks.
This led Dom to suggest inviting Trina and Cassie along for the ride which both Weasel and Liam were hesitant about. Liam wondering if it would be awkward to spend the evening with the girl who'd given him a blow job less than a week ago although it seemed fine on the bus and Weasel because he claimed they would cramp his style. As if!
Liam hadn't been rude enough to say the last bit out loud however Jimbo, Aiden and Dom didn't refrain from making a few derogatory remarks in that area before going full circle and picking on Dom and Liam.
That was not the only thing that happened on Thursday, as he exited the toilets he suddenly heard a loud ping from his phone. Liam reaches into his back pocket and read the message feeling his stomach jump slightly and his heart quicken.
AC1234 wants to connect with you
Liam rolled his eyes slightly at the unoriginal profile name which was slightly hypocritical of him due to his own lack of imagination when organising his own profile.
He hesitantly touched on the accept button.
He waited but when nothing happened he pocketed his phone and returned back to the lunchroom. The guys barely acknowledged him when he returned, all of them seemed pretty preoccupied with their phones. Liam squeezes back in next to Weasel and Dom. He noticed that Dom was continuing to message Trina while Weasel quickly closed the app he was looking at and went back into Instagram when he felt Liam hover over him.
"You looking at porn?"Liam smirked.
Weasel shook his head and held his middle finger up "yeah, I used your account".
The other guys snickered as Liams cheeks turned red and he made a mental note to remember that he would never win a game of one up man ship against Weasel as the guy literally had no embarrassment levels.
He took his phone out deciding not to respond to Weasels joke and noticed he had another notification.
AC1234 sent you a message
AC1244: Hey!
Romeo63: Hey!!
A few minutes past as Liam carefully watched three dots appear on the screen and then disappear again. Finally another message appeared.
AC1234: Man of few words. I like it
Liam smiled wondering how to respond next without scaring the guy away.
Romeo63: Cheesy but I'll bite. So tell me about you.
AC1234: Man, cheesy but I'll bite?? Pot calling kettle me thinks!
AC1234: Ok, so I'm nearly 19. I'm currently a student and I'm tall with dark hair and I guess I'm fairly decent looking. I'll see if you agree with me later.
Romeo63: Cocky arnt we?
AC1234: You would be too if you saw what I had to offer
Liam bit his lip hard at the last message as he tried not to laugh, his eyes widened and his cheeks flushed a warm red colour. He quickly pocketed his phone.
"Who were you texting?"asked Jimbo curiously.
"Your mother"Liam snapped back earning a few snickers from Weasel and Dom. Jimbo frowned before deciding to ignore Liams comment and went back to looking at his phone.
Deciding to risk it again after hearing another buzz he took out his phone again.
AC1234: Without sounding too forward what are you doing Saturday nite?
Romeo63: I don't mind forward :@) I'm out Saturday nite. What time were you thinking?
AC1234: Me 2 but I should be home by 11.30 tops
Rome63: OK will try. I'll msg u on Sat x
Reading the message again it was very clear what the other guys expectations were.
Liam just hoped he could deliver.
888 words

Door Number One
RomanceLiam Clarke had a close circle of friends who he had known since primary school however they don't know his biggest secret. Liam is gay. What happens when the guy he meets through an app one night turns out to be someone he knows.