Escape chapter fourteen

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Cube woke up and noticed he had a dart in his side. He also noticed the knife had been pulled out and all his injuries were bandaged. He felt determined to get out so he pulled the dart out his side, and tried to pick the lock on the handcuffs. After  a bit of struggling he finally got them unlocked. With his hands free he looked for a way to escape. He didn't know why but he suddenly got super mad and he felt his wounds closing, like they were healing super fast. Cube then blacked out, as the wolf took over. Cube turned into a huge blue wolf and he broke down the door with brute strength. He then ran down the hall looking for an exit. Then he remembered he feel down a trap door. He ran back to the cell and used his claws and the padding to climb up the wall and on the ceiling. He then punched open the trap door, breaking it in the process, and climbed back into the cave cell. He rammed that door as well and bolted to the cave exit. When he got out the cave it was night, he decided to go look for some more shapes to snack on. He walked through the woods and when he finally got back to his village he saw the police team split into groups of two, and split up. He decided to follow a group but then he saw the heroes watching over the village. He felt great energy and power coming from them and wanted to eat them instead but looking around he felt an even greater power. He stayed hidden from the police and the heroes as he snuck over to the tree of life. He saw pyrare was guarding the tree but he wasn't moving, in fact he looked like a statue, he wasn't even blinking. Then he started snoring. Cube came to the conclusion pyrare was asleep with his eyes open. He walked past pyrare and jumped on the tree of life. He started pulling my on it but then the heroes showed up, pyrare also woke up. "STOP.RIGHT.THERE." Cube growled at them and the heroes portal showed up.

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