The end is near

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Silvermoon and his pack watched in horror as a once kind cube transformed into a horrifying being of pure chaos and hatred. Cube was huge, towering above the trees. He was about four stories tall, he had four long tentacles coming out his back, he was also covered in metal armor. His right leg was missing at about the knee point, replaced by a machine foot with long claws. He looked more like a black goop, then a solid creature. He occasionally dripped the goop witch sunk into the ground. He opened his mouth and roared, the inside of his mouth was green, the green spit that came out when he roared was acid, whatever it touched melted away before the acid hardened into a cold black stone shortly after. His tail looked like a whip, it was long and furry, untill at about the half way point all the fur was gone and only a metal spine showed. He growled, acid constantly dripped from his mouth. It looked like he had no teeth, only sharp spikes on his mouth, like a dragon or something. Silvermoon layed on the ground, stunned, when he looked over and saw glowing shards in the grass. The shards were many different colors, cyan, orange, green, and yellow. "Imposible... He couldn't have, could he?" Then cube used his tail to whip the wolves away from Sirgil. Cube picked up Sirgil and put him on his head. Some of the acid landed on a wolves foot, he screamed a blood curdling scream as his foot was quickly eaten away by the acid, then as it hardened he howled in pain. Another wolf tried to pull off the stone only for the wolf to scream in agony as his muscles in his leg were pulled out. Blood gushed out as his screams died and he stopped moving. He then slowly turned into a light blue hexigon, with his left leg messed up. Cube took the time to eat some of the dead bodies, seeing his energy was low from all that fighting and transforming he did. Silver took two small triangles out his pocket and rubbed them together, they charged with energy, then he zapped the pile of shards. They seemed to glow brighter. He zapped them again, they glowed brighter, he zapped them a third time. The shares turned into the heroes, all of them had shields with spikes, cyan had a crown. They gasped in shock at the sight of a massive black, goopy, wolf with robot parts and tentacles, surrounded by many dead bodies, that were being picked up one by one and eaten. "HOLY SHAPE, WHAT IS THAT!?!" " That hero, is your caretaker... " "THAT'S CUBE!?!NO WAY!!!" Cube heard the shouting and turned around, he was holding a dead flower in his tail. The flower had on a vest, it looked familiar, cube tossed him in his mouth. When his mouth closed it spashed acid everywhere. Cube burried his claws in the ground, then gaint paws shot out the ground and surrounded the heroes and silver...

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