It's the end

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The heroes tied down cube with steel chains, cube suprisingly, didn't wake up, he didn't even move, cyan was 99% sure cube didn't breathe. Then the heroes decided to take this opportunity to do some damage, they shot several holes in cubes massive body. He only woke up when tri shot off his right ear, exposing the metal bones underneath. He tried to move, but found he was chained to the ground. He couldn't do anything, they had tied down his snout, no matter how much he pulled, the chains wouldn't snap. His body was damaged beyond repair, then something snapped, cubes feral instincts completely took over. He stood almost effortlessly, pulling the chains out the ground. His acid blood that ate through the forest floor began to boil, it didn't harden it just got hotter and hotter. The acid bubbles were so big the heroes had to avoid them, then the final battle portal opened up, the heroes quickly hopped in. (Btw green is not here) 

The song high score started playing

The beginning of the song was just the boiling acid, then cube appeared and started using buzzsaws to try and hit the heroes, the heroes were shooting lasers at cube on the beat. Cube was falling appart, fast, he knew he couldn't keep this up. He started using paws and projectiles to shatter the heroes, the shields around them protected them from cubes attacks. Then cyan got hit by the acid and his shield cracked. Then acid started dripping from the top of the (screen, battle field? Idk) as more of cubes scull was exposed he started shooting lasers and useing all his attacks at once, he even started splashing the acid around, trying to kill the heroes, then his health bar dropped to zero and cubes endo started to crack and shatter, then the song ended and the three triangles restored the land, flowers, and almost all the shapes, as they reformed back into tree of life. The sun came out of hiding and brought light to paradise once again.

Green was healed completly, all dead shapes were brought back to life, and all acid was destroyed, along with cubes corpse. However, the tree couldn't bring back cube, seeing his body was disposed of and he was to beaten up to restore. All was good in paradise, well almost...

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