It's NOT over

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Nowhere, nothing, no one, silence, dead silence... Cube tried to move, he was chained down, he tried to scream, but no sound came. He looked around, only darkness. Then tv static, the sound was load, blaring, it made his ears ring from the volume, then the darkness became tv static, he thought he could see I figure standing in the distance, he tried to move, finding that the chains were gone. He approached the figure, as he got closer he saw, it was a wolf, sitting, it was completely black, but as soon as he got close the wolf quickly turned and pounced on him, the wolfs eyes were tv static. Then cube looked, he was outside, he stopped whatever he was doing, then memories flooded back to him. He realized what he did, the guilt unbearable, he started crying. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! KILL YOUR FRIENDS!!! THIS ISN'T KINDERGARDEN, STOP BEING A CRYBABY!" Cubes guilt was replaced by anger, firey hot rage. He grabbed Sirgil and slammed him into the ground as hard as he could. He could hear Sirgil heartbeat , clinging into life as best he could, Sirgil opened his mouth to say something, the anger was not going to let him live. Cube stepped on sirgil, crushing him with a sickening snap, cube couldn't help but smile. His tormenter dead. Then the chains returned as cube lost control. 

Cube managed to heal some, the minor injuries gone, however his eye was still missing. seeing as all the bodies were gone cube started walking towards the town. As he got closer he could hear screams. He was stopped by some cops that were in a bush. They shot at him, all that did was make a small amount of acid drip from his body, and onto the house below. He grabbed the five cops with his tentacles and tail, only to eat them alive. His minor injuries healed. He continued eating random cavilians, trying to heal himself, only to get a ship flung at his head. He growled, trying to squish the two annoying pests who were clearly a distraction. Heli and ship were quickly running out of breath, cube was fast, and hard to dodge. Heli kept tossing ship at cube, who would stab him with his sword. Cube then hit them, smashing them into a nearby hill. He then let out a loud howl, killing all within three miles of cube. After eating a few more shapes cubes eye started growing back. Then he heard a sound, it was very loud and very annoying. He looked up. It was the militarily, they were dropping bombs on him. They blew him appart. Cube was quickly turned to a massive pile of black goop bleeding acid everywere, with a metal skeleton and armor buried in the goop. Then cube started reforming, only to get bombed again. However, this time several buzzsaws formed from the goop and launched themselves into the military planes, crashing all of them in no time. Cube then reformed, completely untouched, as if nothing ever happened. Normally the sun would be riseing by now, but cube knew the sun hides when things like this happen. He wondered where the heroes were, but looking around at all the damage the bombs did, cube wouldn't be surprised if they had shattered again. Cube continued to casually walk around paradise, going no where in particular, soon he started getting tired, he started turning from a solid creature to just a big goopy mess. Seeing as he was in the woods, cube just layied down and took a nap. 

The heroes saw cube heading towards the town, they knew with green down they probably couldn't beat cube, so they followed him. They hated all the death and destruction, but when cube smashed Heli and ship they rushed over to there friends. "HELI, SHIP! Oh please tell me your alright." When they got up the hill it did not look good. Ship had many cracks in him, and his body looked like he got put in a hydraulic press. Heli was worse, her propellers were all messed up, her body was crushed like a soda can, they were both leaking out oil. They were alive, but in great pain. Everyone agreed it would be best to put there suffering friends down. Orange shot a laser at them, killing them almost instantly. Then bombs were dropped, they completely destroyed the town, the heroes were safe from up on the hill, they saw cube die, And reform, only to get bombed again, then buzzsaws stopped the bombing. Every thing was destroyed. Cube kept walking, so they kept following, cube didn't kill any other shapes, he just walked, he was ignoring any attack, or damage he recived. Shapes were confused why the heroes were following the monster and not purifying it. Cube eventually went to sleep, so the heroes got to work...

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