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nina salazar- roberts was sitting in her room, playing her guitar, when she heard a doorbell ring throughout the house. a smile rose to her face and she prepared herself to tell everyone the plan that she has come up with.

"nina! the caswell's are here," she heard mama d yell.

"coming!" she yelled back, and took a deep breath before making her way downstairs and into the living room, where they all sat.

"hey neens, you okay?" ej, her boyfriend, approached her as their parents talked.

"i'm more than okay. sit down, i wanna share my news." she excitedly said.

she watched as the parents stopped conversing and ej sat down with them. they looked at her with confusion as she smiled towards them.

"so, as all of you know, i've been thinking of my plans for senior year," she began, "and i think i've thought of something perfect."

nina looked at everyone's faces to see their reaction, but they expressions never changed.

"neens, what is it?" ej asked.

"oh right! i forgot to say," she laughed. "since after i graduate, i'll have to be more involved in the business, and my name will be out there more. i thought, why not have a final normal year, some place where people don't know me. outside of california."

"outside of california?" mama c asked, "i don't know nina, where will you go? where will you stay?"

"i thought you would ask that, my dear mother. so i've already thought of everything!" nina watched, as her two moms looked at each other and laugh.

"of course you have," mama d said, "so what's your plan?"

"i can go to salt lake city! it's perfect! ej's cousin lives there so i can live with her, and i can go to the same school as her so i'm not left alone."

"nina, are you sure about this?" mama d asked.

"yes! i haven't asked mr and mrs caswell if i could stay with her yet, so this is kinda me asking?" she looked towards the caswell parents, who looked at each other.

they looked as if they were at a loss of words but mrs caswell spoke up, "sure nina, we can ask ashlyn's parents. i'm sure they won't mind."

nina screamed at the top of her lungs and ran towards the caswells to give them a hug, "thank you, thank you, thank you." she let go and walked over to her parents, "so?" she asked.

dana and carol looked at each other again and without saying anything, they both nodded.

nina screamed once again and hugged her two moms, "thank you, thank you! you won't regret this, i promise."

she then ran to her boyfriend and hugged him as tight as she could.

"you're really going to be gone for a year?" he asked her.

"yup! but don't worry elijah, you're always going to be right here," she set her hands over her heart and pouted.

the boy rolled his eyes and laughed, "ha ha. i'll miss you nina," the two teenagers hugged again.

 i'll miss you nina," the two teenagers hugged again

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tweets throughout her remaining time in LA:

tweets throughout her remaining time in LA:

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