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as nina walked into the cafeteria with red, they looked at their table and saw that ashlyn and carlos were nowhere to be found. usually, they would be the first out of the group to make it to the table, so it was weird that they didn't see them.

they gave each other a look of confusion and looked around the cafeteria to see if, maybe, they were just coming in late.

red nudged nina's arm as he saw carlos at seb's table with kourtney. it wasn't weird, being that they were dating but another wave of confusion washed over them seeing ashlyn sitting at the table next to kourtney.

ashlyn looked up and saw her two friends standing there in confusion and stood up to gesture them to sit at the table.

"um hey?" nina said as she set her lunch tray down at an empty seat.

"hey neens!" ashlyn greeted.

"um, not to be rude or anything, but why are we sitting here?" red asked.

"well, since sebby and i are dating, we've been wanting to merge our tables but ever since nina came and ricky's whole 'i hate her but don't hate her' thing, we couldn't really do that," carlos explained.

seb nodded and added, "but since you guys are all chill now, we don't see a problem in having us all sit together."

"plus, we're all practically really good friends," kourtney smiled.

"um hey?" ricky said as he walked up to the lunch table with gina.

"my thoughts exact," nina chuckled.

"what are you guys doing here?"


"ahh, makes sense, sebby's been talking nonstop about sitting with you guys," ricky replied as he sat down next to nina.

"hi gina," nina smiled, greeting the curly haired girl as she sat down next to ricky.

"hey," she feigned a smile before she started talking to kourtney.

"sooo," carlos started, "are y'all down to hang out this weekend?"

"sure! where?" ashlyn replied.

"we were thinking we could maybe go for a hike," seb responded.

"i'm down," red said.

"okay," ashlyn replied.

"sounds fun!" kourtney exclaimed.

"yay! ricky? nina? gina?" seb asked, hoping to get an answer, "what about you guys?"

"sure," nina said.

"why not," ricky smiled.

"gina?" carlos asked.

she looked at the group who was all staring at her, waiting for an answer.

"cmon gi, it'll be fun," ricky tried to persuade.

she let out a breath, "okay, i'll go," she mumbled.

"yay! sounds like a plan," seb squealed, "so i guess we could discuss rides and everything later, yea?"

the group nodded and a chorus of 'okay's escaped their lips before they all broke up into mini conversations among themselves.


once they all met up to go hiking, they all split up into different cars and made their way up to the place.

during the hike, they all were bonding and learned more about each other as they were struggling to climb up the path they were set to walk on.

they all helped each other up when someone was about to trip and stumble and would wait for each other if someone was falling behind.

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