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"ricky, remind us again why you invited gina porter to sit with us," kourtney sternly said to the curly headed boy.

"i really don't see the problem with her sitting with us," ricky said.

"well richard, gina's life goal is literally to start dating you- i don't even think she has any friends." seb replied.

"yea, plus she's like popular isn't she? doesn't that automatically make her a bitch?" kourtney added.

"since when are you guys so strict? like i said, she's nice and yea she has no friends. why can't we be her first?" ricky responded. "oh here she comes."

"hey guys," gina greeted, "um, ricky said i could sit with you guys but it's totally fine if you don't want me to."

"actua-" kourtney was interrupted by seb hitting her, "ow?"

"go ahead," seb smiled, reaching his hand out as to point to the seat.

gina smiled back and sat in the seat next to ricky.

"ugh, look it's her," ricky rolled his eyes, looking away from the short brunette from another table.

"i still don't see the problem with nina," kourtney replied.

"same, turns out i have a class with her and she's a literal angel. she was sitting alone so i sat next to her and got to talking and we have a lot in common." seb explained.

"trust me seb, you are way better than nini." ricky said.

"who's nini?" gina asked.

"she's the new girl sitting with ash, los, and red," seb answered, "but her name is actually nina."

"where did nini come from?" she questioned.

"ricky made it up, no idea why though if he supposedly hates her." kourtney chuckled.

"i'm hoping she hates it," ricky smiled then looked over to the short brunette in the table across the cafeteria and glared at her.

"woah ricky, looks like you're trying to take her out with imaginary lasers coming out of your eyes," gina laughed causing seb and kourt to laugh.

"for someone he hates, he does look at her an awful lot," seb added.

ricky rolled his eyes and looked away from the girl to continue eating his lunch as the rest of his friends made fun of him.

"no way, gina porter is sitting with ricky bowen. has the world come to an end?" carlos over exaggerated.

"woah, i did not see that coming," red added.

"did you guys see their instagram posts? i think they went on a date," ashlyn brought up.

"gina stays winning i guess," carlos said.

"hm, wonder if they're dating," red thought out loud.

"look away! ricky's looking in this direction," ashlyn informed, to which she and red looked away.

carlos continued to look at his table, "i don't think he sees me staring. looks like he's just..." he followed his eyes, "glaring at nina?"

"me? what did i do? why is he looking at me?" she asked, avoiding looking towards the curly headed boy.

carlos laughed, "no idea, maybe he's crushing on you."

"you guys were just saying how he's dating that gina girl," she said, confused.

"we were assuming not saying, there's a difference," ashlyn said.

"maybe he does like you though, every lunch i feel like we always talk about him looking at you," red said.

"well, not my problem! i'm in a very happy relationship with ej," nina smiled.

"ew, i don't wanna hear about your relationship with my cousin," ashlyn spoke. "sooo, it's friday! wanna have a picnic to celebrate our first week as seniors?"

"i'm down!" red said.

"sure!" nini chimed in.

"i guess," carlos added, "ugh why are we so old?" he whined, causing the group to laugh.

"no stop! we're still young at heart! and this year can't be over or else nina's leaving and she can't leave, we're already too attached." red said.

"aww, don't worry! i'm going to come back and visit all the time!" she smiled.

"aww, don't worry! i'm going to come back and visit all the time!" she smiled

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