the end

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and that concludes all alone without you!!

ahh what did y'all think?

i've had so much fun writing this and every time i wrote chapters ahead of time and i wanted to publish them all just to see your thoughts lmao.

thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting!! i loved seeing all your reactions and your thoughts coming into the book :))

i want to keep writing and i'm starting to think of other tropes and story plots that i wanna do hehe.

so um n e way, make sure to follow for any new books/ announcements i'm gonna make and for future stuff.

but for now,,

y'all didn't think it was over, did you?

i've posted a sequel for all alone without you! now out on my profile called "glimpse of you."

here's the cover! please don't judge lmao this is the first time i've made one myself w like actual editing

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here's the cover! please don't judge lmao this is the first time i've made one myself w like actual editing.

so i plan to start updating on october 10th, i just wanna settle in more since i started school and to stabilize my writing schedule w my school schedule.

thank you for reading again! i love and appreciate each and every single one of you!! <33

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