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ricky was standing in front of his locker after school when kourtney and seb approached him.

"hey," kourtney greeted.

"hey," he replied, putting his books into the locker.

he caught a glimpse of the short brunette as she walked through the hallway, making her way to her locker. she stopped to open it and she looked into the small mirror that was on the door and she fixed her hair as she flung the door open.

ricky admired her as a small smile crept on his face, one that didn't go unnoticed by his friends.

"so," seb chuckled, "how does it feel to finally admit that you have feelings for nina?"

"what do you mean 'finally'?" he mocked.

"he means, you've practically been attached to her and what she's doing since we had to do the science project," kourtney pointed out.

"i have not."

"yes you have. kourt even said in your chem class you wouldn't stop staring at her."

"that was only today."

"oh ricky," kourtney laughed, placing her hand on his shoulder, "it's been everyday."

he looked back towards the brunette and saw that she was laughing with her friends. she looked over and gave him a small wave before she walked away.

"have i really?"

"yep. big red and i talk about it all the time."

"do you feel any different now that you've admitted it?" seb asked.

"kind of? i mean, i guess you're right, i have been acting like this recently. and every time i'm around her i get this weird feeling in my stomach, one i haven't felt since..." he looked at his friends, "um," he cleared his throat, "one i haven't felt in a long time."

"so what are you gonna do?"

"i don't know, hopefully ask her to be my girlfriend?" he shrugged. "all i know is that i really like her and i do not want to mess it up."

his friends gave him awkward faces and seb scratched the back of his neck while he tried to avoid ricky's gaze.

"what?" he asked, confused, "what just happened?"

"um, turn around?" kourtney replied.

he turned around with a confused look on his face and his jaw slightly dropped when he saw the girl standing in front of him. she gave him a slight look of shock as he couldn't find the words to come out.

"gina," ricky said.

"hey... ricky," gina replied awkwardly.

"um, did you- uh, did you hear all that?"

she nodded her head slowly as she pursed her lips together.

"you like nina," she mumbled.

"listen gi, i'm really sorry, i-"

"don't be," she interrupted him, with a light chuckle, "i think you should go for it."

he was taken aback and shook his head lightly, trying to see if this was some dream he could wake up from. he turned to face his friends who were also in shock.

"what?" he asked.

"you should go for it," she smiled.

"is gina porter really letting ricky bowen have girlfriend that's not her?" seb asked.

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