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a couple days passed where ricky and nina's friendship had progressed and they would regularly text - usually about the project, but sometimes not. the two were starting to get more and more comfortable with each other and would talk more in class.

as for nina and ej, she had been ignoring him and his texts asking if she was okay and would leave him on read. he also had tried to call her but after she didn't answer the first time, he stopped.

"nini!" ricky yelled as he saw her walking towards her locker across the hall of the school. he left his friends who were standing in front of kourtney's locker and walked over to nini.

"oh hey!" she exclaimed.

"hey," he smiled.

"what's up?" she asked as the two of them walked together towards her locker.


"oh okay," she laughed.

"what class did you just have?"

"pe, you?"


"oh, nice."


she put in the code on her locker and opened it up, putting her gym bag in there and taking out her school bag.

"did you need something?" she chirped.

"um, no."

"okay?" she awkwardly laughed.

"so, you doing anything tonight?" he asked.

"tonight? i don't think so, why?"

"wanna go out?"

"go out?" she repeated.

"yea, we could look for fireflies near the field and then maybe get some food after."

"oh uh," she looked towards his friends who were standing distantly behind him. seb and kourtney were deep in conversation while gina was staring at her and ricky. "i don't think gina would appreciate us being out together getting food."

"why?" he scoffed, "it's not a date nini. you have a boyfriend."

"yea but doesn't she already hate me for hanging with you? isn't she like jealous or something- i don't know, that's what my friends told me."

"why would she be? she doesn't like me," he chuckled.

nina let out a loud laugh, "ricky, you can't be that stupid. ash said she's been in love with you since kindergarten. and from the couple months that i've been here, it's pretty clear."

"okay, i guess she has a small crush on me," he gave in, "but who cares, this is about a project."

"i guess. can you pick me up tonight?"

"sure, be ready by 5:00!" he replied, backing up.

"ok, see you then!" she said.



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