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"amnesia refers to the loss of memories, such as facts, information and experiences."

"most people with amnesia have problems with short-term memory — they can't retain new information. recent memories are most likely to be lost, while more remote or deeply ingrained memories may be spared."


two years later.

nina salazar-roberts was enjoying a nice, romantic lunch with the man of her dreams on a private lot by the beach.

once they finished their meals, they went for a nice walk by the water as they spoke about their relationship, hand in hand with their feet touching every wave that came in.

he led her to a quiet place by the end of the beach and looked to see her reaction for what he had planned for her.

she watched as three musicians came out and they played a beautiful melody to which they slow danced to. they stared into each other's eyes, feeling both of their hearts flutter at each other's smiles, as they swayed back and forth to the music.

as the musicians stopped playing, they pulled apart and clapped, thanking them for playing such a soothing song.

"nina salazar-roberts," the man started as he got down on one knee, "will you be so willing as to making me the happiest man on earth and marrying me?"

she gasped as he opened the ring box and covered her jaw dropped mouth with her hands as tears started to escape her eyes.

she looked at the man and down at the diamond ring in the ring box.

"yes," she nodded vigorously, "i will marry you."

he smiled and chuckled as he placed the ring on her finger. he got up and picked her up, spinning her around as the musicians clapped.

they kissed deeply, in each other's embrace, savouring the moment that neither of them wanted to end.

"i love you," she said to him.

"i love you more," he replied.

they connected their lips again, as he picked her up and she wrapped her hands around his neck, soon travelling one of her hands to his hair.


"mamas!" nina exclaimed as she got home, "we're home!"

carol and dana practically ran to the foyer where the newly engaged couple held hands.

"hey, how was your night?" dana questioned.

"did it happen?" carol asked in an excited yet subtle manner.

she smiled and laughed before she held out her hand to show her moms. their jaws dropped and they were in awe of the shiny, silver ring on their daughters finger.

"oh my god! congratulations you two!" carol yelled, giving them a hug.

"welcome to the family," dana smiled, also getting into the hug.

"thank you," the man replied, hugging his fiancée and future mother in-laws.

"we have to start planning!" dana exclaimed as she released herself from the hug. "so what type of theme are you going for?"

the couple looked at each other before stifling a laugh.


"probably music themed," carol replied, ignoring nina, "they both have an attachment to that."

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