The Stranger On My Camping Trip | Erevi | AOT

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This idea is from; me, Virgo 100%

So I was going to post a oneshot story before I left for my six-day camping trip but no ideas came to me so I sadly didn't post one. While I was out camping I wrote this from the inspiration of being in the woods and camping of course, this is a modern AU (without COVID). I hope you enjoy it and sorry for the long wait 😁

Out in the woods is where Eren feels at ease, the sound of trees brushing upon each other from the wind soothes the 19-year-old. His family goes camping mostly for Eren's sake, this camping trip is their last camping trip as a family since Eren is moving out soon. Eren already plans to get a tent so he can go camping on his own, that is when he's all settled in his new apartment.

Most of his family likes to camp, all except Mikasa. Mikasa is Eren's adopted younger sister, she isn't a fan of the wilderness so she spends most of the camping trips inside the trailer. Eren's mom likes to be in the sun on a hammock connected between two trees and reading a calm mystery or romance book. His father is either hiking or playing solitaire at the picnic table, sometimes he also wastes time by cutting wood.

Eren on the other hand, takes advantage of being in the woods. He goes off doing his own thing, sometimes he makes his own paths in the forest behind their campsite. He also goes hiking with his father here and there, he also goes alone if his father doesn't want to go. He wanders through the campground a lot, he climbs trees too but that tends to get him in trouble.

At this moment he is on a stroll, looking around the familiar campground that his family goes to a lot. He sees lots of trailers and tents along with empty sites, he then spots a group of campers his age... maybe a bit older. They have a big trailer and a few tents on their site, they must be having a lot of fun... Mikasa would hate it here. Mikasa is so antisocial and disconnected from society that people older then her make her super nervous... and she's 15.

Eren laughs at the thought of Mikasa being with this group of people, he can picture her panicked expressions. He looks around their site, they have a lot of things set up. As he looks around he sees the spot next door, he walks past the group site and stands in front of its neighbouring site.

The campsite is smaller than most and has a tent pegged towards the back, Eren then notices the one guy sitting at a small campfire with a book in hand. It must be annoying having that big group beside him, Eren thinks to himself. The man looks over at Eren, Eren's eyes go wide as he realizes he's been staring at this guys campsite for a while now.

The guy stands up while putting a bookmark in the book he was reading, he places the book on his chair and walks over to Eren. Eren gulps since the guy looks angry, "Are you one of the damn brats next to me?" he questions with a deep demanding voice.

"No, no, no. My campsite is in a whole other loop," Eren tells the guy who nods. His face lightens up from the scowl it was once in, Eren then takes mental notes on how good looking the guy is. His short black hair complements his sharp jawline, his eyes are half-lidded giving his whole look the quote, 'I don't give a damn'.

"Good," he says as his voice becomes less demanding yet still deep. He then holds out his hand in front of me, "My name is Levi Ackerman, my apologies about my first impression."

Eren takes Levi's hand and gives it a small shake, "Don't worry about it, I'm Eren Jaeger, it's nice to meet you," Eren says.

"Why don't you come join me? I have an extra chair," Levi suggests as he walks into his campsite.

"I... uh," Eren didn't know what to say. He just met Levi and he's also very attractive, but dinner will be ready for Eren back at his trailer soon. Levi soon turns around to look at Eren, Eren doesn't look away from Levi's dark grey eyes.

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