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Hello My Name is Y/n L/n I am just a normally 18 year old kid. I was one those quick learners kids.

I got into the best high school in the age of 10 and graduated at the age of 13.

And My ability is Unlimited to the Unknown.

My ability allow me to collect other people ability and allow me to use other ability that previous ability user have that is deceased by a touch to collect information on the ability.

By knowing who alive or who deceased I write down on my note book when I get a flashback of the person of when it happen.

And here I am showing you how I meet them.

Third Person

Y/n was walking down on the street of the main city of japan as the arrive of the prince.

As she continued to walk down the street with the line of car y/n notice a brownish greyish hair color boy walk past her "Ability: Flawless "She whisper as she took a short cut by going though alleys ways following the brownish greyish hair color boy.

Y/n quiet herself and seen a black car go past her, Y/n stop her tracks "Nah he can deal with rich boy then" Y/n said as she walk away the scene.

Y/n keep walking until she notice two 22 year old adult and a 18 year old kid that is the same age of her as the blond got push a little by the brown hair.

The blond boy was about to fall but Y/n fast reflex kick in as she grab the vast of the blond guy by stopping his from falling.

Y/n host the tall blond up "Are you ok?" Y/n spoke "Yeah I am fin-"the blond was cut off by the messy brown hair by taking her hand, "Your hand and your hair are just beautiful will like to commit double suicide" the messy hair guy say.

Y/n spoke "No ❤" with a warm smile as the messy brown hair eye have stars. "Are you a angel or a goddess" The brown hair said still holding Y/n hand .


The blond hit the brown hair guy as he fall down "DAZAI I told you not going around asking woman for their hand for double suicide!" The blond said.

As the other two sweat drop, Until Y/n spoke "Sorry to break the silent but I gotta go see ya" as she being to walk away. As the blond continue to yell at Dazai as the sliver head trying to clam down the blond.

L/n Y/n

As bid my goodbye to Dazai, Sliver head and blondie as I walk away. I grab my note book out of my pocket and open a page "Its was nice to meet you Atsushi Nakajima, Dazai Osamu and Doppo Kunikida" I muttered as I walk back to my apartment.

At the apartment

I close my door as I flop on my bed "Shindooooorrrrrrrrr" I said as I go through my phone. As I turn off as I grab my towel and headed to the shower.

After the shower

I sat on my chair as I hack through the Port Mafia, Armed detective agency and that Modern Crime Prevention Task Force security and fire wall.

I sat on my chair as I hack through the Port Mafia, Armed detective agency  and that Modern Crime Prevention Task Force security and fire wall

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I said as I click on the file that I have inform form the all three groups.

'I better leave the Port Mafia one after I gone through the files I better get that download'

I though as I download the file.

As I exit out the file so they don't track me down. I look at the file of The Armed detective agency and that Modern Crime Prevention Task Force as I look at the file that agency file.

Two hours later

"Phew that took two hours better get to sleep" I spoke as I log off of my computer and flop on my bed. As I tuck my self in bed and put my phone on charge and fall asleep.

 As I tuck my self in bed and put my phone on charge and fall asleep

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Edited : 10:25

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