ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟹

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Location:The Kambe Family Estate
(This is your outfit I hope you like it don't mind lisa their she just a model man she my bias)

Third person

"I am Kikuko I am the grandmother of Daisuke" Kikuko introduced herself.

"Haru Kato" Haru spoke 

As Kikuko attention shifted to Y/n as Y/n being to speak.

"Y/n L/n The youngest out of the three lovely people here and I am a college graduate, I graduated high school at the age of 13 and graduated college last year. Mostly my teenage years was at colleges studying at that time.

I was the youngest student in college and graduate college was that too much?".

Haru sweat drop as kikuko spoke.

"That nice to hear dear. How old are you too are?"

"I am turning 30 this year" Haru said 

"Turning 19 this year" Y/n spoke

"Daisuke what you doing  to your colleagues?" Kikuko said in a serious tone.

"Don't trouble your minor"

(Uhhhh I can't remember the whole scene so I skip a little sorry everyone!)

A little time skip bough by your badass reader doing some back flips 

The three was sitting in the car as Haru and Daisuke put their seat belt on as Y/n was going to put her seat belt.

Until the car started as Y/n quickly put her seat belt on. 'Man I need to get use to this soon'Y/n through.

And again a other time skip I am trying to remember sorry again everyone!

On the train 

Y/n was on the third row just one row away from Haru as she look outside of the moving train. As Haru spoke to a boy talking about going to the united states and giving his food.

After the two got off the train

Haru was walking with Y/n as he saw people getting told to move away.

"Y/n stay here I will check it out that a order from your senpai" Haru said.

Y/n nod yes as Haru run off and talk to the guard and Jump on the rails and run to the train.

Y/n walk up to the guard and hold up her badges.

"Can you tell me what happening?" Y/n spoke.

"Their a armed person in the train and the second train that was purpose to come stop working and that train have a criminal in their." The guard spoke

"Thank you" Y/n spoke as she bow.  

As she jump over the gate and run the opposite away of the direction of where Haru ran.

While running to the second train, Y/n took out her phone and hack through the camera of the second train "Ability: Direct location" Y/n spoke as she was teleport to the last cabin in the second train.

Y/n POV 

I look around their was nobody in the last cabin. I check my phone and check camera 3 and saw their four people.

'Its them' I through 

"Ability: Seismic Sense" I said as I close my eyes.

'Their 8 people in the train' I through as I open my eyes

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'Their 8 people in the train' I through as I open my eyes.

I walk to the to the cabin of where the people are, the first one I found is going to be a enemy or a ally.

The door open as I walk through no one is in here, I keep walking as I stop in font of the door and put my hands in my pocket.

I dodge the door when the door was bust down to the other end of the cabin. 

"Nice try Akutagawa"

As I stand in between the doorway looking at Kunikida and Akutagawa.

'Kunikida injury look deep he know if he move he lose a big amount of blood' I through as I reminded clam.

"How do you know my name unordinary "Akutagawa spoke in a serious tone.

"A magician never show her secrets"


Akutagawa growl

"Rashomon!" Akutagawa yelled his ability out.

"Ability: God summoning!" I yelled as the floating daggers was summoned as I dodge every Rashomon attack. 

As one of the Rashomon attacks me by slamming me to the side of the train.

"KID" Kunikida yelled out for me as he try to move but the pain in the wound held him down.

"Sh*t my head is spinning" I mutters .

"Any last words unordinary" Akutagawa said as he look at me with pity in his eyes.

"Uh yeah" I said in a bored tone as I spotted a notebook under the passenger seat right next to me.

"Split it out unordinary"

"I pity you no eyebrows ABILITY:ANGEL BLESSING" I shouted

The question is I only allow to summon to ability at the same time. Angel Blessing only heal one person.

"Angel blessing heal Kunikida!"I shouted as angel blessing heal kunikida.

"YOU BRAT" Akutagawa shouted as he turn around and see Kunikida wounds fully heal and gone.

As Kunikida stand up brush off the dust on his clothes as he straighten his glasses.

"KUNIKIDA CATCH!"I yelled as I throw his book to him.

Kunikida catch his book as he active his ability.

Kunikida catch his book as he active his ability

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"Ability: Doppo Poet Stun gun!"Kunikida yelled


                                            ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛 



Sorry guys I did skip some scene on balance unlimited on this Chapter  because I focus on balance unlimited on the last chapter so I focus BSD on this chapter so I can fit BSD in this chapter.I hope you like this!

Edited: 10:13  9/30/20

Final edited: 3:49

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