ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟶

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Warming this page including death and very sad moment

Third person 

The two woke up as Daisuke got out of the bed as got his pants on as he walk to the closets. Daisuke pull out a fresh pair of his suit. Y/n sat up with the blanket covering herself as Daisuke finish getting dress turn around to see y/n messy hair and the hickey all over. Daisuke realize that he nearly rip half of her clothes yesterday due to jealously a faint red across his face appeared. 

"D-daisuke can I b-borrow some of your clothes?"

Y/n spoke that made Daisuke grab one of his suits and gave it to y/n and walk out with a Cherry blossom face. Y/n was hit by a confuse mark on the face as she look down at the suit that Daisuke gave her its was the suit that he wore when they first met. Y/n smiles as she got change, Y/n look up and down at the suit surprise the suit actually fit her sciences she one height up. The suit fit Y/n well, Y/n walk out of the room phone in the pocket as she headed down where Suzue and Daisuke are.

When Y/n came in the room she see a lot of footage of what happen in the train station, Y/n put her hands in the pocket pants and walk up to the too. Y/n look at the footage that us playing on the screen, Suzue notice that y/n wearing Daisuke suit as Suzue continued typing as a loud bang happen. Suzue send drones to check the building as Daisuke and Y/n started to head to the entrance door, When the two made it outside they see Kato wreck car with Cho-san in.

"Damage of my property cost is 5 millon yen" 

Daisuke spoke as Haru and Cho-san step out of the wreck car as Haru gaze shifted to Y/n. Haru look at y/n up and down  and see the hickey on the neck. Haru look back at Daisuke then back to Y/n.


Y/n caught on of what Haru was going to say as she panic as Haru look at the hickey on her neck.


"So who did it?"


Their was no way that y/n is getting out of this one the other was just worst than before. 

Beep Beep

The sounds sounds familiar that alerted y/n she ran back to the where Suzue is as she made it their she look at the screen as her hand brush the keyboard. Her hands move on their own as she hack through the high security systems of Special Division for Unusual Powers and taking down their firewall.

A incoming call from the Kambe 

That appear on the leader of the division the leader have no chose but answer the call, The call appear the face cam to see a 18-year-old girl.

"Hello Their remember me four eyes?"

"Hello their Hacker"

"Oh your so mean~"

"What do you want now y/n"

"I am checking up on Ango just because that  your not in the port mafia anymore dose not mean that we cut our ties. So where the file is Ango"

"Its does not concern yo-"

"Bye Bye Ango"

The call ended as y/n groan in frustration as she grab Suzue boba as she took a sip realizing that its was a indicted kiss.

Major Time Skip

Cho-san, Y/n and the Chief was in a glass container as Y/n lean on the wall whiling listening to the two older people.

The light was out pitch-black fill the room. Its a intruder in the mansion "Ability: Eyes of the Prey" Y/n whisper as her eyes changes to a owls.

"Stay clam its just a black out someone from outside entered here, But something is not right here it"

Y/n spoke as she summoned a second ability.

"Ability: Mirrored Walls"

The glass walls being to make a imagine of the security camera are picking up. While Y/n look through the walls that the security camera are picking up its was the black figure. 

'Shigemaru Kambe'

Her eyes widen 'He not dead that suicide note was a fake to cover up the murder case that made the division disband' Y/n through as she recall the ability's back. The door open making the three get out of the glass as they stand as they froze on the stop.

"S-shigemaru K-kambe"

Y/n stutter as she turned her gaze at Cho-san to see Cho-san smiling at her as Cho-san and The Chief pushed her.

Y/n POV 

Cho-san and the Chief pushes me to the protection glass as the door locked. As Shigemaru Kambe took out the knife as Cho-san and Chief try to hand cuff him but got stab in the process.

My eye widen as blood came down from Cho-san, Blood shattered on the wall as Chief try to stop him but did not make it. 

I scream as tears fall down as I back away from the wall as I pushed myself to the corner as I look at Shigemaru.

"Your always the brat no wonder your parents surface a no good for nothing ability user"

Those words buried in my head to me to never forget as I fall down started to cry as Shigemaru escaped the the mansion.

 Its shatter my own mind and world as I look like a lifeless soul, What Am I going to do now.

I am hopeless 

I am nothing but a mistake


Time skip

Third person

Suzue woke up as she touch her warp forehead as she look around the room to see y/n on the floor with a blank look. Before Suzue spoke Y/n got up as she being to walk out of the glass the other two remained quiet.

A little time skip

Y/n was outside of the mansion as she turn around taking a last look at the mansion as turn around back to see the Cho-san and Chief body being taken, as a last look at the cars before the car started driving off. 

As y/n tie her hair up to a high pony tail as change(if you have short hair just make a little pony tail). As she grab her her phone out and dial a number she put her phone near her ear as she waited to the person to pick up. As she teleported in-front of the broken gate as the other person on the line pick up.


"Hey its me I need your help"


                               ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘 



Hello My fellow wattpad reader I like to say Thank you so much for reading my and getting the book to 1.2k or 1.17k can someone confirm to me because I look on the phone version its say is 1.1k but on the laptop its 1.2k its quiet confusing to me.

Specials mentions to 

 LadykraD for voting the book and all for you

Thank you for supporting the book! Thank you all for being patience when I update so Thank you so much! 

Just remember Author-san Love you all!

Final edited and rewritten part: 9:14

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