ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟼

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"Francis-sama its appears that the three are not ability users"

"Well then we will use them as hostages to bring the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency"


Haru woke up to see that he cuffed down with handcuff on his back, he looks around to see Daisuke, Y/n and... Suzue?.

He tries to move but can't only thing that he can do just groan in pain. Alerting the guild members as the blonde hair turn around kneel to his level.

"Look like someone is awake"

The blonde said as Haru stayed quiet until a 190cm tall person stands in-font of Haru and nearly kick him in the stomach instant y/n took the hit. Y/n cough out blood as she was sent flying back. The red hair walks up to y/n and picks her up by the handcuffs as the two walk back to the others.

"Aw Lovecraft you don't really have sent her flying"

"My Apologies Lord Francis but we have company"

Francis turned to see both of the Port Mafia and Armed Detective Agency.

"Aw hello there Mori and Fukuzawa"

Atsushi spotted y/n with a redhead boy holding her as she sat on her knees.


Francis turns around, meeting y/n standing up with the redhead on the floor. Her hand is out of the handcuff, y/n was holding the redhead arm, dislocating the redhead arm as he screamed in pain.

As she let go of the redhead's arm, Y/n grabbed her two pistols as she held it up with a dark glare was sent to Francis.

"So your the l/n kid I heard that your parents are dead"

"How the h*ll did you know"

"I have my ways, I heard you were born with no abilities"

Francis said a bullet was shot to the side his eyes widened and the bullet did not hit him until a cut showed on his cheek.


The priest screams as he holding a well-dressed woman with her shoulder bleeding.

"You DEMON how DARE you HURT her you DEMON"

"I am the demon here, The last time I am a Detective that I can recall"

Y/n say as she put her pistols away and a floating dagger came out of her coat pocket. The dagger came in front of her alerting the other guild members.

"Ability: God summoning"

Y/n spoke as the dagger made a few more daggers forming a circle as, she placed them on the floor, the daggers turned into a gun she smirks.

"I hope you survive the guns shots"

Y/n said as she started firing the bullet out.

"HARU get Suzue and Daisuke out of the field"

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"HARU get Suzue and Daisuke out of the field"

 Haru nodded as y/n shot a bullet hitting the chain of the handcuff as he picks up Suzue before he going to get Daisuke.

"You're not escaping me"

The priest looking guy said as he active his ability, his ability threw y/n off guard and throw her like a ragdoll. Chuuya was quick and catches her as he places y/n gently on the floor.

"Nee-san made me promise her to protect you which I can not deny"

Chuuya said as he shoves his hand in his pocket, as Y/n got up as she stands next to Chuuya.



"Fine a*shat Chuuya anyways I got a plan and Akutagawa is perfect bait"

Y/n say as she walk up and grab Akutagawa by the coat.

"Don't touch me Irreaglua-  OI let go of me"

"No you got to listen dumba*s"

"What did you just call m-"

Akutagawa was cut off when y/n started to drag him and went to Chuuya.

"Chuuya throw him"



Y/n said in a dead tone as she let go of Akutagawa coat as Chuuya use his ability and threw him towards Francis.


Y/n yelled as Akutagawa use Rashomon as y/n ran to Dazai and grave him one of her pistol. Lovecraft use his tentacle to attack y/n in the process, she jump on the tentacle ran towards Lovecraft and snap his neck. Y/n jump off of him and broke Daisuke handcuff as she put his arm over her shoulder.

"The truth is its not a ability, He can reposition his neck back in just a spin and he can reposition his arms too."

Y/n explain as she dodges Lovecraft attacks as y/n opened her mouth to speak.

" And the priest over their is not doing anything beside holding the women"

Y/n mock as the priest attack her with his ability. Y/n got shot to the side of the stomach, she cough blood out she fell on the floor coughing blood out, Her conscious started to fade away. Y/n push her self up and ran to Daisuke and broke the handcuff. Y/n eye site started to blurred due to the blood loss, Daisuke eyes widen as y/n fall down with her eyes close as she lose conscious.


That was the last word that y/n heard.

                                                       ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟞 


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