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951 27 14

Warning this one is a long a*s chapter

L/n Y/n
Someone is shaking me

Who is it?

My conscious started to coming back. My eye open to see a blurry Haru and a blurry Daisuke.

"mm Yeah? "

"Y/n thank god for your awake I been shaking you nearly 5 minutes"

"Ok? "

"Are you ok? why where are you sleeping there?"

"I got a little tired and fall asleep here sorry for making you worry Kato-san"

As I got up a paper fall out of my pocket. I pick the paper up and see that my name is on it. I turn the back of it to see her name on it. I put the paperback in my pocket and put the zip pocket up.

"What the note for? Y/n?"

"It is from someone that I was close friends with it an important note to me"

After the plane back to Japan the three apart off to their home as for Y/n she got back to her apartments.

I seat down on my chair unzip my pockets and started reading the note, that Jess left for me.

'Dear Y/n
It's been awhile well we did talk over the phone. It's ok over here but Jay's nightmare is getting better. But mine just started anyway I hope your ok.

Something happens to Allen he sleeping mostly every month. This annoying me, he my sensei he supposes to teach me how to control my other half.

And then again it irritating me so badly. I nearly have my insanity snap instant but still. We miss you Y/n please be safe just for me.

I am still tracking down the murder of your parents. They move fast but they don't outran me. Anyway, thank you for reading this.

I put the letter in my drawers with the photo of me and her, I do miss her and the two as I log on the desktop.

I see an email it's for Daisuke, I click on the email and see the photo of what happened today. I grab my phone and click on the Daisuke number.

"Daisuke! what the meaning of this!?!?!?"

"You have to answer my question and I will get rid of the photos"

"You got three questions then"

"How many abilities do you have?" 

"That question is hard to say because I never keep track of the ability of the deceased. Because every single one is painful to watch and see on my own two eyes"

"Second The port Mafi-"

"Knowing you hack the port mafia systems good luck getting to the high systems unlock."

"Third who the girl with the two mismatch ey-"

I hang up on Daisuke he must not know about Jess its because she gave me light to not die not yet. 

Third person

Y/n sigh after the phone call as She see that the email was deleted. The point is to know who the person behind the ability suicide that is gone but someone is their to hunt her down well feel like it. Y/n want on her games real quickly as she got up and get something to eat while the game update.

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