read this or else jyp with long hair will haunt you in your sleep

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So guess what? You don't wanna guess? Ok, fine. I just wanted to say that I wrote a Minchan/Banginho fancfic! Yay! And yes, that made me happy.

I just wanna tell you that this book is a short one which includes no fluff, no spicy things (if you know what I mean *derpy face*), and definitely no tear-jerking stuff. And NO, I am not being sarcastic.

I just wanna say that if you're gonna read this then I wish you won't cringe from the awkwardness of my writing style. That's all, thank you.

Oh and, of course, let's be friends, uwu.


01 this is a bxb story so if you're homophobic or if you just don't like that kind of stuff, please feel free to leave.

02 i was supposed to write this as a bottom minho fanfic, but enjoy bottom chan, i guess.

03 healthy criticism about my writing style is highly appreciated. please feel free to comment down your thoughts.

04 english is not my first language. just because i'm writing this in english doesn't mean i'm fluent or anything. please do point out my mistakes.

05 high level of cringiness. if you manage to get through it, then i'm happy for you.

06 this is not meant to mislead readers. please don't confuse this with any real-life situations.

07 this story is written just for fun and pure entertainment.

08 i don't want hate

09 all pictures are not mine, i only found it online.

10 please enjoy wasting your time on this book, thanks.

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