chapter eleven: his career

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Chan was now Jisung's best friend. They would hang out every so often, sometimes letting Minho tag along. They always try to catch up, telling each other everything that has happened to them.

Time went by until Chan felt so problematic, he would always rant to Jisung about every conflict that he had with Minho but now, he wouldn't say a word.

Jisung tried pulling it out from the elder, but the other just won't budge. When he finally had enough of it, he tried his hardest to make Chan spill the tea, which worked.

Now, Jisung and Chan had been sitting in the same spot, in the same café, for a while and they'd be lying if they said that they couldn't feel all the pressure that was surrounding them.

Chan looked at the younger, stuffing his cheeks up with the cheesecake that he had ordered. He could have laughed at the younger's actions but he didn't, when he knew that he shouldn't be laughing in his situation.

After putting all the cheesecake in his mouth, the squirrel looked up curiously to the elder. He chewed on the food that was in his mouth before finally talking.

"Why awrn't yoo eawting?" (Why aren't you eating?) Jisung muffled out, trying to keep the pieces of cheesecake inside his mouth. Chan looked at him in disgust before finally speaking out his mind.

"Jisung, I swear to god. Finish that up first before you talk, it's disgusting." Jisung pouted, seemingly offended by what the elder had said. He muttered a small "Aotch (Ouch)" before continuing to gag on all the food that was in his mouth.

Chan watched him finish everything that was in his mouth, a disgusted grimace plastered on his face. After a few minutes, Jisung finally managed to ingest all of the sweets that was in his mouth.

"So..What happpened?" Jisung asked, ignoring the distasteful look on Chan's face. He leaned his chin on top of the back of his hand, making a serious expression.

"Are you an interrogator or something?" Chan said, a small smile following the raising of one of his eyebrows. Jisung rolled his eyes at this, annoyed at the elder's dilly-dallying.

"Look Chan, I'm not here for chit chat, okay? Now tell me, what's up?"

"The ceiling?"

"Chan!" Jisung said, quite annoyed at the elder's anwers. Chan lowered his head, looking at the interesting droplets of coffee that was spilt on the table.

"Okay, I know. It's just- It's like- Ugh, I'm too afraid to admit it." Chan said with an oh, so problematic face.

Jisung looked at him, more annoyed than he could ever be. He let out a sigh, moving his head up and placing a hand over Chan's.

"It's okay, Chan. I'm here to listen. That's what friends are for, right?" He said soothingly, wishing that Chan can open up to him.

"It's- Ugh, okay. So, here's the thing." Chan started. Jisung leaned his ears closer to Chan, listening to every word and every letter that the elder can mutter.

"Lately, Minho's been ignoring me. He's always keeping his distance and he's always on his phone." Jisung nodded at the information that Chan spilled.

"He was always texting someone. If not texting, he was always in a phone call with someone. It bothered me so much to the point that I was spacing out every two seconds." Chan admitted, making Jisung wonder more.

"One night, he left his phone with me. He received a message and I checked it without his consent. The message said 'The date is in four days'. I got- I got anxious. I lied to him about it and I tried to not think into it too much but.."

"What did you do then?"

"I had no choice so I confronted him about it. He said that it was nothing but I knew it wasn't." Chan's face formed a sad smile. Jisung didn't know why, but he felt so disappointed.

"I confronted him again and he said that it was nothing. I forced him to spill it and we kinda argued. I almost thought that he was breaking up with me."

"Well, did you?"

"Fortunately, we didn't. The next day, he told me that the company wanted him to go overseas and to gather as much experience and exposure. He showed me all the texts that his manager sent him. It turns out the 'date' was the day when he'll decide if he'll go or not."

Jisung nodded as new information sinked inside his head.

"So, what did you do?"

"I let him choose." Jisung nodded once more, looking at the elder with worry lacing his eyes.

"What did he choose then?"

"He chose to go. I told him that it was fine, but he still cried in my arms. He's such a baby, I swear." Chan said, laughing at the memory of Minho hugging him really tight.

"He said it was for our own future. He told me that he'll come back as soon as possible, he'll buy me a house, then he'll marry me."

"That's so sweet hyung like, what the heck?" Jisung retorted.

"So, how long will it take?"

"I don't know."

a/n: i don't know where this part of the story came from, but i hope it's not that much of a twist. i also wanted to say a few things so i listed them down, hehe.

01 to those who have made it this far, i'm really grateful. thank you for reading my book, it really makes me happy 😊

02 for those who voted and added my story to their reading list, thank you very much. i know i probably thanked you guys once or twice and i know it does become pretty annoying, but i just wanted to let you guys know that you made a soul (that's me) very happy.

03 i'm sorry if there are any mistakes. i don't really know what editing is.

04 i'm currently writing the second book to this and let me tell you, the second book is the whole plot. will you read it tho? (its a hyunsung fic— oop, spoilers)

05 i also wanted to ask how my book is doing so far? is it doing great? or is it at the verge of flopping? lmaoo

06 ^^ you don't really have to answer my questions so don't feel obliged, lol. sorry for like, making half of this chapter literally just me asking questions.

07 have a great day, and that's an order (lmao).

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