chapter nine: i saw

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"What do you mean, Jisung?" Minho asked, tilting his head while looking down at the squirrel boy.

Jisung looked directly into Minho's eyes, trying to read his expressions although he knew that the elder was more likely clueless.

He knew that the elder had this habit of putting his mistakes at the back of his head but, today seemed different to Jisung. He saw no sympathy nor guilt in the elder's face.

"So, kissing Chan was not a mistake, huh?" Jisung whispered to himself, Minho not hearing it. His eyes squinted as he pulled the covers up to his face, letting go of Minho's shirt.

"Do you remember the time when we were on our third year anniversary? When you took me to that fancy restaurant?" Jisung asked, making Minho browse through his memories. His head peaked up when he finally remembered.

"Oh, yeah, what about it?"

"Well, do you remember what you told me then? The thing about you and Chan?"

"Uhm, which one?" Right after asking this question, Minho felt a pang of guilt. The only thing that they ever talked about during their anniversary was Chan. Now that he finally realized it, he felt undeserving.

Jisung noticed the shifting of Minho's eyes. He stayed silent for a while before he figured that he'll finally answer Minho's question.

"The one about marrying him if you surpassed his height." Jisung said, quite unsure of himself.

"Oh, that. It was a dumb thing to say, actually. Now that I think about it-"

"But it was a promise, right? You know, like...Ugh, why is it so hard to explain." Jisung cut Minho off, ruffling the hair in his now aching badly head.

The younger took a deep breath before continuing what he had to say.

"I want you to call Chan and tell him that again. Tell him that if you're taller than him, you'll marry him." The squirrel-looking boy said, more like ordered, the now very confused Minho.

"Jisung, I was just a child back then. Are you out of your mind? Do you know what you're saying?" Minho said rather loudly, grabbing Jisung's shoulders and shaking him slightly. Jisung's eyes watered, his cheeks puffed up and his face turned red. Minho thought it was cute, but it wasn't the right time.

"I know, (a/n: Lee Know, skjskhsksj) Minho." Jisung said as tears brimmed down his soft, squishy cheeks. He was hurt, but he smiled anyway. His whole body ached but, his heart hurt the most. Jisung knew that it was too dumb, but he just hid it in his head.

Minho looked at his boyfriend, seeing him hurt made him hurt too, but in the most friendly way. It was different when he was with Chan and he knew it too well, he hated that he didn't feel the same with Jisung. He felt bad, but it was just him being indecisive so, yeah.

"Please, just do it." Jisung pleaded, silently hoping that his indirect break-up request can get to Minho, which it did. The elder nodded sadly, grabbing his phone and dialing his 'best friend's number.


"Hey Chan, it's me. I just...Do you remember what I promised you when we first met?"

"Oh, that." A small chuckle was heard from the other line which made Minho smile to himself, Jisung saw though.

"What about it?" Chan asked.

"It still counts, right? I mean, can we measure our heights?" Minho asked, earning a content sigh from Jisung. Chan gasped from the other line, confused.

"What do you mean? You're dating Jisung for goodness' sake Minho! What are you thinking?" Chan asked, obviously infuriated and angry at Minho's 'infidelity'.

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