thank you💕

2.1K 100 10

So, first of all, if you're reading this then you probably finished the book already. That means that you are one of the people who didn't give up on my crappy story line and read it all the way.

For that, thank you very much. I really appreciate the time that you spent on my book.

I'm very happy right now because i managed to share one of the stories that i wrote to fellow people like me that ships Stray kids members with Stray kids members.

Thank you so much ☺️

For those who wrote comments and voted for this book, you made my day. I don't know how to express the gratitude that i'm feeling right now.

1.59k reads is more than what i could ever imagine. Thank you. I really thought that i would end this book with less than 500 reads but I'm not complaining about it. Thanks for giving this book attention.

To those who followed me, idk why you did but thank you. I hope my future books will live up to your expectations. (I have, like, 15 stories in my drafts. I'll try to publish all of them one at a time. I hope they're good enough •w• )

This whole note is just me saying thank you for all the obvious things but I'm really grateful and I just want to share how you, my lovely readers, make my day by just existing and scrolling on your phone. So thank you.



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