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The bells chimed as Chan made his way to the altar. His favorite suit was clutching onto his body firmly yet he felt like he was going to suffocate from the tightness. Well, suffocate in a good way, if that helps.

His mind was running and his heart was pounding heavily under his chest. This was it, the promise that he long since forgotten, but he was still going to fulfill it anyways. He smiled as he saw Minho, waiting for him patiently as the sounds of the piano keys dissipated in his head.

It was funny, how they really ended up marrying each other just because of the stupid yet innocent promise that they made when they could barely even remember anything.

"I don't care! I love you anyways. Now, let's make a deal! If I grow taller than you, then you'll marry me!"

Chan just smiled, seeing Minho all happy made him happy too, they were friends anyway. "Okay, It's a deal. If you grow taller than me, I'll marry you."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

Chan almost chuckled at the memory of him and Minho talking about the small stuff, and then suddenly pinky promising that they would marry each other. Ahh, innocent love, Chan thought.

This made Chan realize how mature they had gotten, how fast they grew up and how time made them change. It was for the better, though it also caused them so much pain.

"Stay away from me, I don't wanna see you anywhere near."

The memories came rushing to him like a train, it made him feel different kinds of feelings. It made him kinda sad too, to be honest, but now he had no reason to be his insecure self anymore.

He was going to marry Minho. He took one last step before he was finally facing the younger, he smiled at him as Minho's eyes and lips curved up in return. Chan couldn't believe that this was the same dork that asked him to sleep on the grass in his favorite and most expensive tuxedo on the night that they became fiance's.

Chan looked at Minho, wondering what the younger was thinking. They had been fishing for a couple of hours now but Chan still hadn't gotten the change of clothes that he asked for a few moments ago.

"Hey, Minho?"

"Yeah, Channie?"

"Why did you ask me to wear this suit if you were going to take me to go fishing and grilling in the middle of the night?" The younger male blinked rapidly at the question, starting to feel guilt rise up in his system.

"Uh, well..You see.." He trailed off. "You look really hot when you wear a suit so.."

Chan stared at his boyfriend in disbelief, was he really in a relationship with this dumbo?

The priest started to talk, but Chan couldn't quite focus on the things that are being said. Instead of the wedding itself, he'd rather look at Minho all day and night. Well, that was how perfect he was.

The wedding ceremony continued on and on, but Chan could only register Minho's hand in his, the way he shifted nervously every now and then and the way he was obviously just as eager as him to finish this necessity off.

Chan gripped Minho's hand tighter, causing the younger to look at him. Their gazes locked, both their eyes were loving and comforting, it made them feel like they were at home.

"You may now kiss each other."

They didn't need to be told twice, Minho gripped Chan's neck and pushed his face towards his, subtracting a huge amount of space between them.

Chan's face flushed, this was it, once they finally kiss, the promise will be fulfilled. It made him excited.

He watched Minho's lips slowly come closer, until they were only a breath away from each other. Chan stiffened, it was like their first kiss, except it wasn't.

The space between them gradually lessened as Minho leaned closer and closer. When his lips were almost touching Chan's, he whispered something that only Chan could hear, making the poor australian blush.

"You're mine now, shortie hyung."

Their lips met, moving in sync with each other. They melted into the kiss and soon enough, they were already being separated. Both of the males' eyes fluttered open, the sight of each other greeting them. They smiled. People around them started cheering, it was loud but they enjoyed it.

"Welp, time to throw the bouquet, I guess."


"I'm gonna catch it! I'm gonna catch it! I'm gonna-"

A frustrated sigh from Jisung's lips made its way out. The bouquet flew past him and landed on, the one and only, Hyunjin's arms.

Minho chuckled as Jisung rambled on and on about not catching the bouquet and how lucky Hyunjin was. It was so like Jisung to speak like a bullet train when complaining.

Hyunjin, on the other hand, was utterly clueless as to why a random bouquet suddenly came flying towards his face during the daylight. Well, not until Jisung came to him and muttered about how lucky he was and such.

"Here, you can take it." Hyunjin said with a small smile plastered on his face. Jisung slightly blushed, but nonetheless tried to cover it up.

"B-but..You caught it so, it's yours. Why are you giving me that?" Jisung asked while lowering his head and fumbling with his fingers.

Minho, from afar, raised an eyebrow. He wanted to know what kind of sorcery Hyunjin used just to make Jisung all shy and quiet because, come on! We all know he never shuts up unless we pushed a mountain of food down his throat.

Hyunjin chuckled, he found it cute when Jisung acted all shy and fidgety. It's so adorable, he would say to himself.

"Well, half of the reason is because it shows that you really really wanted to catch it. The other half was because you're really cute and the flowers look just like you." Hyunjin smiled, unaware that he just caused Jisung to malfunction due to the unintended flirting.

But oh well, the love journey of the Hyunsung couple is for another story to tell.

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