chapter ten: break up

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"172 cm."

All three males stood silently, no one knew what to do. They felt happy, they felt sad, they felt nothing. All of them felt numb. It was a first time for the three of them.

Minho noticed the tears that were running down his cheeks, so he wiped them away. He felt great, so great. He had finally accomplished something that he should have accomplished sooner. He felt proud, and it was nice.

He looked at the younger and the older who were standing behind him, they had unexplainable reactions on their faces. Their eyes were glued to the floor like it was the most amazing creation made by mankind.

The room was tense, but not until the blonde and the squirrel like boy snapped out of their daze. They looked at Minho, then they looked at each other. They didn't know what to say, so they just smiled. A genuine smile. A happy smile. A painful smile.

They could feel the emotions that surged each one of them. Minho felt guilt build in at the bottom of his gut, but he pushed it away. He wanted to be selfish. Although he had always been selfish, he wanted to be more selfish today.

Jisung huffed, catching both male's attention. He knew it, he had predicted it, yet it still stung. He already prepared himself for it, yet it still felt so unbearable.

"I'll move out in two days." Jisung said, making Minho's eyes widen. Minho knew that they eventually had to do this, but he didn't expect it would come this soon. It was like the memes that his brother told him which goes like: Surprise, bitch!

"But we bought this apartment together." Minho said, making Jisung look at him in confusion.

"If someone's moving out, that'll be me." Minho said, putting a hand over Jisung's shoulder, caressing it gently but in a friendly way.

Jisung's big eyes stared at Minho longer than he was supposed to. He was grateful, but he didn't want to look weak in front of them.

"I..I'll move out, Minho." The said boy looked at Jisung with confused eyes. He knew that Jisung has nowhere to go to after leaving. He knew it too well that it concerned him.

"No, I insist. If someone's moving out, that's me. And that's final, squirrel."

Thick silence can be felt once again, but it was nice for the three of them. It felt like they had what they needed in order to think things out properly.

"So," Chan started "What happens now?" He asked, making the youngers look at him. They thought for a moment until Jisung spoke up.

"I guess this is the last time that you'll have to call me 'baby', Minho."

Minho nodded, understanding what Jisung said. He was curious though, as to why the younger did this in order to break up with him.

"But, can I ask you a question, Ji?" Minho said, referring to Jisung using the nickname that he created when they weren't dating yet. The younger hummed a 'yes' while nodding his head.

"Why did you do this? I mean, can I know the reason as to why you're breaking up with me?" Minho said, hoping for a reasonable answer.

"You idiot." Jisung said, making Chan and Minho laugh in visible confusion.

"It's obvious that you don't love me enough to make me your boyfriend. You haven't even kissed me in the lips after years of dating." Jisung said, letting out a huff. This made Minho feel guilt, but he sighed instead after seeing Chan lower his head and blush.

'Was that his first kiss?' Chan thought to himself as he remembered the scene in the hospital. "He's a good kisser then", he whispered to himself, the others not hearing him.

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