2nd Book☺️

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If you already reached this chapter, then you most probably finished my poor excuse for a fanfic. Well, congrats for that.

Anyways, let's get to the point already.

So, I wrote this spin-off called Filler. It's a Hyunsung story so if you're not interested on reading it, then you're free to do whatever you want.

I just wanted to inform you guys that I wrote it.

It contains the things that happened during the time that Minho was overseas, together with the development of Hyunjin and Jisung's relationship.

If you're not busy or if you're bored, please go and check it out. You'll be more bored but at least my book gets reads, right? Lol. Shameless self promo is on its way baby.

Well, that's all, I guess.

Have a good day 💕

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