chapter five: stay away

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From that day on, Minho tried really hard to avoid any human contact between him and his childhood friend. Of course, he didn't want this but for the sake of his and Jisung's relationship, he was willing to ignore Chan.

It hurt, Minho was hurt and of course, Chan was hurt. He didn't know why but since then, he noticed that him and Minho were growing distant. He wanted Minho back but, he didn't know how. All he had was his best friend but now, he didn't have anything anymore. He felt so alone.

Chan had tried ways like asking the other out or trying to talk to him over the phone but all of them failed. When he confronted Minho, the first and only sentence that he heard from him made him break into million pieces, hurting more than it was supposed to.

"Stay away from me, I don't wanna see you anywhere near." It made Chan's soft heart feel like it was being crunched mercilessly.

Although he was badly affected by Minho's words, he didn't let it get to his head since Minho was just probably 'stressed out'. Chan continued to try and communicate with him but he always failed.

One day, Chan got caught up by the rain. Although he knew that he had an umbrella in his bag, he still decided to wait for it to stop since he didn't like going out in the rain at all.

As he sat on one of a random fancy restaurant's seat, he noticed a familiar face. It was Minho, sitting alone, a few tables from his position.

Chan noticed that Minho most likely didn't see him since he was too focused on his phone, not paying attention to what's happening around him.

Chan sat up, this time, he was going to make a move. He didn't want their friendship to crumble into dust so he had to make his choice. Determined as he was, Chan decided to talk to Minho. As he was about to stand up from his seat, a cute small figure sat at the same table as Minho.

He noticed that Minho's eyes were sparkling, he was full of happiness and content. 'He's so happy...' Chan thought to himself, smiling at the thought of Minho being happy.

It didn't last long though, as he remembered what position he was in. From his smiling self, a frown quickly made its way to Chan's face '...without me', Chan thought, looking down.

Chan felt a familiar sensation in his chest, his heart began to throb as tears made their way to his eyes. He wasn't going to cry then and there though. It would be weird if people around him start to assume things when they see him crying.

Instead of letting it out, Chan just decided to keep it to himself. As Chan ordered a light meal, he heard the boy that Minho was with exclaim.

"Oh god, I forgot to bring an umbrella with me! Our phones are at home and we didn't bring any of our cars either. How are we going to go back?"

Chan's ears twitched, it was weird but he felt happy. At least for once after a while, he had a reason to talk to his best friend. Maybe if he lied that he had another umbrella with him, Minho would accept the thought of talking to him.

Chan stood up, heading towards his childhood friend's table slowly. 'Come on Chan, it's not like he's some stranger or anything.' Chan thought to himself, trying to convince his own nervous mind to calm down and to just hand them his umbrella. When he was already a bit near them, he stopped.

He observed the couple as Minho just looked at his partner lovingly. His eyes were so soft and comforting as he assured the boy with him that everything will be fine and that the rain will probably stop soon.

'Since when did he get so affectionate?', Chan thought, wondering if Minho ever looked at him like that. Well,

He never did. And with that, his mind went foggy. He looked at the boy that Minho was with, he looked younger than both of them and he probably just graduated a few years ago from college.

Even though he didn't want to, he felt moisture in his eyes. Not knowing what to do anymore, Chan just wore the hood of his jacket, trying to hide his embarrassment. He felt envy surge through his whole body.

He was jealous, WAY too jealous. He was jealous to the point that he didn't wanna go over anymore because he just might burst out if he did.

He can only go back to his salad now, as he took the seat that he occupied a few minutes ago so that he can calm down. He waited for a few more moments until he noticed that Minho went to the bathroom, leaving the boy with him alone.

Chan contemplated, 'Should I talk to Minho or should I just-' Chan's mind instantly went back to the words that Minho said, replaying it over and over in his head, as if it was telling him that talking to Minho was the last thing that he should do.

Stay away from me.

I don't want to see you anywhere near.

Stay away from me.

I don't want to see you anywhere near.

Stay away from me.

I don't want to see you anywhere near.

No. Chan's mind didn't function right and as of the moment, he just wanted to curl up in his bed but, he remembered that it was Minho we're talking about.

So Chan, for the third time, got up from his seat and headed towards Minho and the boy's table. Holding onto his hood tightly, he went in front of their table, earning a weird look from what looked like a shocked and scared squirrel. 'He's cute,' Chan thought, 'Probably Minho's type' he stated to himself, hurt at his own words.

"U-Uhm, I'm sorry to intrude but I heard that you had no umbrella so if you'd like, you can take mine." Chan straightforwardly said, not wanting to stay there longer. He took out his umbrella from the bag on his back and handed it to the squirrel boy.

The said boy just looked at him with a curious and questioning look. His mind arguing whether he should just accept it or not.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not sure if I should take it. I mean, what about you?" The seated boy said, worry visible in his big, doe eyes. Chan just looked at him. 'He's kind too. I guess that's the reason why Minho likes him so much.', Chan thought in frustration. He let a soft sigh escape his lips.

"I actually have a spare umbrella so I'm fine." He said, lying to the cute boy in front of him, hoping he won't notice.

"I-is that so? Then I guess i'll have to accept it then."

"Thank you. And I-I promise, I'm not anyone suspicious or anything and it's just an ordinary umbrella." Chan said, trying to convince the boy that he's not some kind of man that goes around and gives illegal things to people.

He handed the squirrel his only umbrella and smiled when he took it. The other boy chuckled a bit, making him look cuter. Chan envied him for that. If only he looked better, Minho might have-

"No, I should be the one thanking you. And don't worry, I'm not suspicious of you. Uh, how am I supposed to return your umbrella though, sir?" The squirrel boy said, oblivious of the fact that he's talking to his rival in love.

Well, you couldn't blame him since he can't see the 'man who gave him the umbrella's face clearly.

Chan just looked at the boy again, thinking if he should give him his contact info or not. As if on cue, Minho came out of the bathroom and Chan immediately panicked. His mind went blank and before he knew it, he started walking away.

"You don't have to return it!" He whisper shouted, making sure that Minho won't hear him, before disappearing completely from the squirrel man's sight.

Chan walked out of the restaurant, not bothering to care for his stuff. Chan felt weird, he suddenly didn't mind the rain anymore. He walked back home, dripping wet and shaking from the cold.

Maids went running towards him but he didn't care. He just locked himself inside his room, sleeping with the air conditioner open, not wanting to change out of his drenched clothes.

The next day, Chan woke up feeling his head pang in pain. His body ached and his mind was so fuzzy.

He felt utterly cold and when he realized that he had a fever, he just shrugged it off. He told everyone to not bother him and so, they did. No one checked up on him. No one. It was only him in his cold and dark room.

A/N: I'm sorry if this obviously made no sense.

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