chapter six: i'm fine

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Minho felt terrible and HE was definitely not fine. He longed to see and feel Chan pressed in between his arms but he knew he couldn't. He missed him so, so much yet he knew that he shouldn't. It hurt him yet he told himself, 'I'm fine'.

Every time that Minho saw Chan, he will instantly regret ignoring him but he knew that if he gets too close to him again, he might really lose Jisung, the one he loves the most and you know what? He didn't want that to happen just because of Chan.

Minho continued to give Chan a cold shoulder, trying to ignore him as much as he could and definitely succeeding in the end even though he CLEARLY didn't want to. One time, he almost forgot that he was ignoring Chan until he realized that they had been hugging for a few minutes.

He couldn't let go of the sight of Chan's eyes, from being filled with absolute bliss to being engulfed with sorrow and longing. He felt guilty about it but, he just can't bother to comfort Chan. Why, you ask? Because he LOVES Jisung.

As usual, Minho was chilling at his couch while waiting for Jisung's text to pick him up from work. Of course, the squirrel boy wasn't a performer at the bar anymore. Since the day that Minho and Jisung dated, he decided to become a waiter instead.

He also tried writing songs for fun and eventually, people bought it from him. Jisung became delighted and he felt grateful to Minho, for changing him and for making him the best that he could be.

When Minho was about to win the game that he was playing on his phone, an incoming call unexpectedly flashed in his screen, making Minho groan in frustration.

He picked it up quickly and expected Jisung to tell him to pick him up but what Jisung said surprised Minho so much that he fell off from the couch.

"Chan's at the bar and he's drunk. I think you should talk to him."


Minho went to the bar faster than light, immediately heading to where Jisung was so that he could ask where Chan had gone to. He knew that Chan will never go to a bar unless he was told by his parents to go or unless he was just really desperate to get things off of his mind, which was not a good idea.

The last time that Chan went to the bar was when he was 19, when Minho saw Chan's condition, he was a total mess and half of his clothes were already missing.

"Where's Chan, Jisung?" He asked, worry lacing over his voice while Jisung just gave him a rather uncomfortable look, not answering the question that was thrown at him.

After realizing what that may have meant, all the colors on Minho's face faded. He quickly dashed away from Jisung, looking for Chan in each and every corner of the Bar.

After having no luck in finding the probably drunk and worn out elder, Minho stopped to go to the comfort room.

"H-help" A small sound came from the comfort room, making Minho shot his gaze directly to the direction.

"Please, hel-"

The next things that Minho heard was muffled voices as he pressed his ears towards the door, trying to listen to what was happening. After he made up his mind, Minho just decided to go away and pretend that he didn't hear anything but as he was walking away, he heard another cry for help.

"P-please! Anyone-" Then he heard a thud coming from the comfort room. It didn't seem like a nice thing to hear for Minho so the next thing that he did really surprised him.

He walked inside the comfort room, slamming the door behind him and directly looking at the unknown man in front of him whose hands where covered in red liquid, he looked like he just killed a man by the nervous expression that was present in his face.

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