chapter seven: come back

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Minho tried to slow down, wanting to give Chan a few more seconds to stop him from leaving. After not hearing anything from Chan, he sighed. 'I guess it's just too much to ask', Minho thought to himself, eyes dropping to the ground. He opened the door and started to walk out of the room.

The sound of Minho's fading footsteps made Chan snap back into reality. 'What am I doing?', Chan asked himself as tears brimmed down his cheeks. He stood up and ran, not minding the excruciating pain in his head.

He grabbed Minho's shirt, pulling him back and hugging him as tightly as he could. Chan felt content flooding his heart, this was the warmth that he hadn't had for what seemed like forever.

Minho couldn't see Chan's face but he knew that he was crying. He felt it, how Chan's hands were shaking tremendously and how his back felt wet from the tears.

It broke Minho. He also wanted to go back to his friend but he knew that it will also mean betrayal for Jisung. He loved the both of them yet he didn't know what kind of love should be addressed for neither of them.

Chan's sobs and hiccups made their way to Minho's ears, making him flinch in place. It was unpleasant, very unpleasant. Minho shook off Chan's arms from his torso, facing him and grabbing both of his shoulders softly.

Minho's eyes became warm, the sight in front of him made him furious and mad. He was the one to blame after all. If only he had cut off his connections with Chan sooner, they wouldn't be in this situation.

Of course it'll hurt the both of them, but he just knew that if he did, they won't have to go through this. 'I'm so dumb', Minho thought to himself, realizing how indecisive he was being.

Minho didn't know what to do anymore, he wanted Chan to be with him forever yet he didn't want to. Minho being the man he is, he placed both of his hands on Chan's cheeks.

"Close your eyes." Minho said, Chan followed the instruction that was given to him. He shut his eyes close. What Minho did was beyond his imagination.

Minho kissed Chan, from his left eye to the other. His kisses made a trail down his cheeks, tracing the tears and kissing them away. Chan's skin burned with every touch and kiss that Minho placed. It was too addicting.

Chan's breathing evened out, his whole body relaxed. The tears stopped flowing and his eyes are no longer wet.

After Minho placed his lips on Chan's skin for the last time, he took a step back, not taking his hands from the other's face. He liked it there.

Chan's eyes fluttered open, seeing Minho look at him with those beautiful and mesmerizing eyes. Chan felt his face go hot, it was too much to take in.

After pulling his self together, Chan held Minho's hands that were placed on his cheeks. He took them and held them down. He looked at Minho dead in the eyes and on that moment, he knew what he had been missing out on.

"Please come back to me." Chan said, pleading with his eyes. He looked like a lost puppy that was begging for his owner to play with him. It was cute. Minho looked at him with adoration, but it soon became unreadable.

"I'm sorry" Chan's eyes dropped at Minho's words. 'So, he made up his mind already', Chan thought to himself as he held on to Minho's hands tighter than before.

"No, I'm not accepting your apology. I'm not letting you go ever again and that's final." Chan said, not looking at Minho's eyes. He wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do.

He didn't want to be selfish but, here he is. Just when Minho was about to say something, he was cut off by Chan.

"I'll chain you up with me if you reject!" Chan said, shooting his head up to Minho, he was really determined even though he didn't know what he was doing.

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