chapter three: give up

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Minho felt useless. He went to different bars everyday, he smoked non-stop and he let himself get laid by anyone as long as it's good-looking, experienced and especially, it's not Chan.

He felt like throwing up each morning that he wakes up but, he just can't. It was pure torture.

Minho knew that he was just wasting away his life but he didn't care. He gave up on everything that made him happy, that's how he ended up to the place where he is right now.

One night, he came to visit a bar that was recommended to him by his friend. He drank to his content and all that he could say is that he felt euphoric. He watched the performers but a certain person caught his eye.

He felt butterflies in his stomach that he hadn't felt in a long time. After the performance, Minho waited for the performer to go out of the backstage and when he did, he saw the performer in cute, pastel-colored clothes. He never felt the urge to protect someone like this until now.

When the performer got harassed by someone that was more drunk than him, he immediately helped him out. They exchanged contacts and they immediately became close to each other.

Han Jisung. It was the name of the person that he now cherishes the most. Yes, he was still friends with Chan but, he felt that they had grown apart.

He spent most of his time with Jisung and as time went by, he felt that he slowly began to go back to his original self, the happy and cheerful Minho. Was this the effect that Jisung gave him?

Every once in a while, he would talk to Chan about his newly found love and all he could say was that Chan was happy for him. Chan supported him and Minho did the same for Chan and Jeongin's relationship. They became best friends again, and for the first time in his life, Minho felt nothing towards the elder anymore.

He still loves him, but not the romantic type of love anymore. He told himself that he will love Jisung and only him. It felt so right! That's what Minho kept on telling himself.

A few years passed, Minho was now a well-known dancer and Chan became a successful composer. They both helped each other and they were closer than ever. The only thing was that, they knew they both had someone whom they loved greater in their hearts.

One night, Chan came to Minho. He was crying and his body was full of bruises. It was as if he was beaten up by a group of people that was so many, he couldn't even fight back.

Minho knew that Chan had outstanding fighting skills, that's why he could tell that the people who beat him up was at least more than ten.

Chan was crying hard and he was sobbing furiously. Chan held Minho's clothes tightly, it was as if he was asking him for comfort and protection.

Minho cleaned Chan's bruises, he made sure that each and every one of them were disinfected and bandaged before continuing to comfort the elder in his arms.

After what felt like an hour or so, Chan finally calmed down. He didn't know what had happened to the blond so he tried asking him. He didn't force the elder into saying anything but Chan insisted that Minho had the rights to know.

"Jeongin, h-he cheated on me with the singer that I was w-writing a song for, his name was Kim Woojin. I-I don't understand Minho! I love him so much yet..."

"Shhh, Chan. It's alright. He doesn't deserve you."

"That's easy to say but... I could've done better if he told me what was wrong with me! I mean, I could give him anything he wanted if only he told me but, no! He didn't tell me what was wrong! Why? Why would he leave me like that?"

"Chan, I-" Minho's heart ached at the words that Chan had blurted out. He couldn't help but feel hurt because Chan was underestimating and looking down on himself.

"M-Minho, I'm such a failure. I can't even make him stay. I-I can't even make him tell me what had gone wrong. He- he just disappeared from my embrace in a blink of an eye. I'm such an idiot, Minho!

Maybe that's why Jeongin thought he didn't deserve me! M-maybe he realized that I was nothing but a nuisance to him. M-maybe that's why he chose that Woojin guy instead of me!"

Chan sobbed uncontrollably, it felt like his world was shattering for every word that he said. He couldn't control his emotions anymore and all that he could think as of the moment was each and every possible reasons why the love of his life slipped away from his embrace.

Minho hugged Chan tighter towards him. He didn't know what to do at that moment. His heart ached, seeing his bestest friend having a breakdown right in front of him made him break.

This was the last thing that he wanted to happen. He didn't want to see Chan having breakdowns just because undeserving people left his side.

Chan was the best thing that everyone could ever dream of. He was more than perfect. Minho didn't understand how people manage to let go of Chan that easily.

He even barely let go of his feelings for Chan so that he could be happy with someone who was better than him yet in the end, Chan just got hurt.

"Don't cry Chan. Don't look down on yourself. They don't deserve you and they never will, okay? If Jeongin gave up on you for Woojin, that only means that his standards became lower. You're the best thing that anyone can ever wish for and that's nowhere near a lie.

If he gave up on you then don't be dragged down by him. Give up on him too and show him that you'll be as happy as you'll ever be even without him. Some things aren't meant to be fighting for, and that includes Jeongin.

Chan, if there's someone that should be disposed of, it's not you and it'll never be you. Always keep that in mind. You're perfect in every way and you'll forever be. Now show me that smile, Chan. You shine brightest when you smile."

And with those words, Minho felt Chan relax and his trembling also seemed to disappear. Chan looked at Minho with glistening eyes and smiled at him softly. It was the smile that Minho hadn't seen for a long time. He felt happy because he finally saw the smile that he had been missing from Chan.

Minho held him tighter in his arms, he leaned Chan's head on his chest and not long after he fell asleep, cuddled up with Minho.

Minho looked at Chan with eyes full of longing. He caressed his cheeks where his tears had dried with his left hand and rubbed on his back soothingly with the right hand. He saw Chan smile in his sleep and all he could feel was content and happiness.

Minho didn't know why but he felt tears rolling down his face. His heart hurt and he couldn't explain what he was feeling. Chan was finally back in his arms, no one can take him away from Minho now.

Minho was sad because of what Chan had to go through but, he felt delighted at the same time. They were together again, just like before. Minho felt guilty because of his selfishness but can you blame him?

He only wanted to be with Chan for the rest of his life. He knew it was wrong but, it felt so right. Minho can finally claim Chan as his again. Yes, that was what Minho wanted. Chan is his. And only his.

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