Cate Fucking Blanchett - Chapter Two

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I thought I would spend the day reading and writing but then my friend Jas called, and we went out and met Oliver. The three of us always hang out together. Oliver studies at the UAL and Jas studies film. Jas and I used to date but that was ages ago and didn't work on a romantic level. So, instead we became best friends.

I got back home at about five and I prepared the meals for the children. When Olivia and John have someone over for dinner Adam and Lizzie are often allowed to have their dinner earlier. Today they were even allowed to watch a film. Cate should be here at seven.

At about half- six I changed into a black turtleneck top and a pair of red-wine coloured trousers. I then went downstairs to help John and Olivia prepare dinner. While cooking we listen to some Buena Vista Social Club and chat. With John and Olivia, I can talk about anything and everything for hours and completely lose track of time. John is just in the middle of telling an anecdote about a French director who slept with the half of his team as the doorbell rings. John pauses for a short moment,

"Oh that must be Cate. I completely lost track of time. Ada could you get the door please?"

"Sure" I say and make my way into the hallway. "But don't finish with your story until I'm back."

As I say this, I open the door. Stood at the door is a blonde woman with shoulder length, wavy hair. She wears a pair of pink glasses that highlight her ocean blue eyes, a pair of grey loose canvas trousers and a light black cashmere jumper. She looks around but as she hears sound of the door opening, she turns her head and smiles at me. I'm speechless. It is Cate. Cate BLANCHETT. Cate Blanchett standing on my doorstep. I cannot believe it. Why didn't Olivia and John tell me it was her? I mean Cate, sure, but this was Cate Blanchett??? They couldn't have forgot to tell me this important detail. I am standing in the hallway clinging to the door, mouth agape. I haven't said anything yet.

"Hi. I'm Cate." She says.

Blanchett. I add in my thoughts.

"You must be Ada. Olivia has told me lots about you." Her voice is deep and her timbre seems to send a warm wave through my body and makes the hair on my arms rise.

My heart races and I'm still in shock. Pull yourself together.

"Oh wow, Hi. Yes, I'm Ada. Come in please." I take a step back to let her in. Cate walks up the steps and comes through the door. She brushes past me and I feel myself shivering. I push the door closed.

Cate turns around and runs her hand through her hair. She looks at me directly but I look away. Yet, she smirks.

"Did they not tell you it was me?" She asks.

I panic. "Well, uhm, yes and no. They told me Cate was coming. Just Cate. Not...well, you"

What did I just say? That was unbelievably stupid. I sounded like I was a 12-year-old in front of her crush. Of course, this time it is not the girl I was in love with in year seven. Obviously, I do not have a crush on Cate but she is one of the most renowned actors in the world. An idol. Someone whose films I have watched. Her skills are just unbelievable. The way she is able to transform and convey these deep emotions. I could go on forever about her talent. Now she is standing in front of me. An acting student whose only achievements have been some indie theatre productions with an incredibly untalented cast and being the former au pair of a relatively recognised theatre director and a playwright.

Cate didn't take her eyes of me whilst I muttered my barely eloquent explanation as to why I was so star struck. She gave me a long glance and then bent down to undo her shoelaces. It seemed as if she was supressing a smile.

"Well, Ada. I'd love to be just Cate for you." She says, standing up looking at me. Just at this moment, it seems as if she is losing her balance and I grip her by her shoulders while her hand seizes my arm.

"Oh thanks, I nearly fell."

I smile and help her regain her balance.

"No problem. I'm sorry, you must get these weird reactions all the time. It must be exhausting. I am sorry, really. I just, well didn't expect it. However, I'm utterly delighted. Really."

"Me too." She says.

She still holds my hand. She seems to realise this now and lets go of it blushing a little bit.

"So, where are John and Olivia? I can't wait to see them. It's been ages, you know."

"Oh yeah they told me. They are in the kitchen. Dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes I guess."

I lead her through the hallway into the big kitchen and dining space. Cate hugs Olivia and John. I watch her. For a short moment Cate doesn't seem to be as confident and happy, as she was when she talked to me – almost as if she was lost in Olivia's hug. The divorce must have really hit her I think to myself. For the next couple of minutes Cate, Olivia and John try to catch up with everything that has happened. Career, children, moving houses etc. None of them mentions the divorce. I pour some Campari for everyone. I hand it to the three of them. When I give the glass to Cate, our fingers touch. For a short moment, she looks at me and smiles.

"Thank you darling"

I respond with a quick "You're welcome"

I draw back a bit leaning on the kitchen sideboard and just listen. I am quite content with my role as listener but this time I catch myself not really paying attention to the discussion. My thoughts wander to the moment Cate and I had in the hallway. Her hand holding my arm, her long glance. Even now, I cannot stop gazing at her lips, her hands holding the Campari glass. Slight and tender. She runs her hand, which is not holding the glass, through her hair trying to pin back the strands of her golden waves. She does this quite often, I notice.

John comes up to me, whispering, "Well, what are you thinking about?"

He winks at me. Did he notice my glances? No, I guess not. John and I often talk about very intimate things. He understands me and has the ability to build me back up even after my emotional breakdowns. However, this time he doesn't seem to notice anything. Not that there is anything to notice. I mean, of course I am still a bit shocked that Cate fucking Blanchett is standing in my kitchen, five feet away from me. I am aware that the mere thought of making out with her is beyond question. She is too old for me – well that is what people would say- she has four children, is going through a divorce and probably the most important factor, she is not gay. I don't stand a single chance. It is ridiculous. She's Cate Blanchett. I'm Ada, a twenty-year old acting student. Why am I even thinking about this? She is in my kitchen, standing right next to me.

Bloody hell, I really have no self-respect. She is Olivia and John's friend. How can I even think about something like that? Jas was absolutely right, I definitely need to get some action in the bedroom department before I start fantasising about everyone with a vagina who is setting foot on this kitchen floor.

Gosh, pull yourself together for once.

The timer for the oven beeps which awakes me from my thoughts. Olivia gets the hot bowl out of the oven. John tries to help her.

"You girls can go and sit down at the table. Ada, maybe you can open the bottle of wine?"


again special thanks to @marthaaa_h for editing this gibberish

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