You Have To Go - Chapter Eight

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"Who is it?" I ask again. This time a bit more firmly.

Cate doesn't reply but keeps staring at the phone in her hand. Then, almost inaudibly, she whispers:

"It's Andrew. My husband."

Ex-husband is what I think but I dare not say it aloud.

"Are you going to answer his call?" I try to sound as neutral as possible.

I mean it's not like we had an unbelievably hot make out and I would like to proceed but I also see how shocked she is and I want to give her the space and time to make her own decision. Cate looks up to me and gives me a stern glance.

"He can't... he can't know that... well that I... that we...oh god"

The phone buzzes again reminding both of us that Cate's ex-husband is waiting for her to answer his call. She looks up to me with a regretful look in her eyes.

"Sorry" she whispers.

"Hey, it's okay" I say in a soft voice.

Then Cate swipes right to answer the call and holds the phone up to her ear.

"Hi?" her voice trembles; to cover up she coughs a little before pausing, only seconds later a faint laugh leaves her lips.

"Of course it's me."

The man on the other hand is saying something; although I can't quite understand. However, against all my expectations, he does not sound evil. I know it was naïve to think that he would sound like a Disney villain but for some reason I did not expect him to sound, well, just nice.

Cate begins to speak again.

"You've got to stop worrying about me, Andrew. I'm fine. I just didn't go to the apartment because I had a few too many glasses of wine. It's all fine."

Whilst saying this a light smile washes over her face.

"No, no I've stopped now"

She looks at me again, I flinch. Then she looks down on the floor until she decides to sit down on the edge of her bed. I become more and more uncomfortable because I feel there is no need for me to be standing here. Especially not staring at the beautiful woman chatting with her ex-husband who she seems to like in spite of everything.

She listens again. She makes some remarks; a confirming "ah" or "mhm" sound, every now and again.

"Well that's good to hear. How are the kids? I hope they are in bed now?"

She chuckles. Suddenly she stops.

"What I'm doing right now?" her face turns red. She gives me a panicked look. This is the first time in five minutes she looks at me. However, I have to admit I would rather she ignored me for another couple of minutes than being the reason for her discomfort.

Cate stutters. "Uhm no. I am upstairs. I am... uhm... not doing much, I don't know... well of course I know... why do you...okay fine! Yes I mean I'm alone."


"No of course I know for certain that I'm alone. Besides, it's none of your business." She says in an upset tone.

"... No need to get defensive..." is what I can catch from the other end.

Cate's hands start to shake again.

"No. I'm not the one getting defensive. You have to stop stalking me. Seriously. What's your problem, Andrew?"

Enraged she runs her hand through her blonde hair.

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