Stalkers are evrywhere

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Previously on Starscream's change: Megatron laid in his berth... He decided to get up and go to the darkest corner of the room... That's when two red optics pierced the darkness... The mech vented and stepped into the light

"S-Starscream?" Asked Megatron completely flabbergasted. Starscream looked... different. He was taller, the top of his head level with Megatron's. He also had scars, one was two scratch marks across one optic. His armor didn't change much but the colors did, the silver colors were black and the red colors were silver. His facial expression changed a little too, it was calmer and more coordinated, and his face plate seemed brighter then it had. Starscream smiled a bit. "Hello again Megatron" he said. "So your my little stalker" said Megatron "um, actually, no, I was there to protect you from Darkclaw" said Starscream. "Who is Darkclaw?" Asked Megatron "he's your actual stalker, and he's not someone to mess with" said Starscream. He got out a small remote and turned the lights back on. And gave his a pad with the picture of Darkclaw on it.

 And gave his a pad with the picture of Darkclaw on it

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(This is what Darkclaw looks like. I'll tell you which artwork is mine, this is mine)
"Why is he stalking me?" Asked Megatron "you have no idea do you?" Starscream asked. "About what!" Snapped Megatron "your the last descendant of the lord of the third realm" said Starscream. Megatron gasped he knew the legend but he didn't think that he, of all the bots, would be the last descendant. "No. No that can't be true" said Megatron. "Yes, And I can prove it" said Starscream. He handed Megatron a small vile of a yellow liquid. "What do I do with this?" Asked Megatron "dip your digit (finger) in it, if it starts to dissolve, well, then your not the last descendant" said Starscream. Megatron poured some on his servo, nothing happened. "See" said Starscream "this doesn't prove anything" said Megatron. Starscream dipped the tip of his digit is the substance and let Megatron watch as it sizzled. "So... I am the last descendant" said Megatron "yep" said Starscream. "What is this?" Asked Megatron "the pure, liquified form of the lords very energon. A.k.a your grandpa's energon" said Starscream. "I suggest your let me stay, for your safety" said Starscream. "Ha! I don't need protection" mocked Megatron. "Alright, let's make a deal. If I beat you in a dual, that means your can't fight off the other bots who have their sights on you. And you let me stay" said Starscream. "And if I win?" Asked Megatron "then I leave you" said Starscream. "Okay" said Megatron. "This'll be easy" he thought. They got into fighting positions. Megatron tried to punch Starscream but he blocked and pushed away the punch. Then he jabbed Megatron in the optic. Megatron stumbled back holding his optic. He felt the power of Starscream right as he blocked. "This might be harder than I thought" thought Megatron. Starscream motioned for Megatron to try again. He came at Starscream and tried to punch him again. Starscream spun away, elbowing Megatron in the neck cabalings (I'm sure you can figure this one out). As he turned back to Starscream the seeker performed a long knee attack (look it up). Megatron doubled over and Starscream pushed him down with his foot. "Have anything to say" Starscream joked "fine, you can stay. But you have to stay out of sight" said Megatron. "Doable" said Starscream. He walked over to the wall and pulled a panel off, then he messed around with the wires until all the lights were off. He felt Starscream grab his servo and start to run. He was fast but Megatron kept up well enough. Once they made it to his berth room (bedroom) Starscream turned to lights back on. "Can you... see in the dark?" Asked Megatron sitting on his berth, "yeah, I can"  said Starscream walking  to the door. As he did Megatron noticed a horrible scar going from his upper back to his side. Megatron got up "Starscream, you back..." said Megatron "what? Oh! Your talking my scar" said Starscream closing the door. "Starscream, what happened?" Asked Megatron walking up to him. "Please, don't ask" said Starscream, turning towards Megatron and looking away. "Can I at least look?" Asked Megatron. Starscream nodded and turned around. The scar was deep. Megatron reached out his servo but quickly pulled it back. "It's okay" said Starscream. Megatron slowly brushed his digit across it. "Your strong" said Megatron "I have to be" said Starscream, turning around. Megatron went to sit on his berth, so did Starscream. "So. What have you been doing with your time away?" Asked Megatron. "Oh Primus where do I start" said Starscream. "Tell me one thing and go from there" said Megatron "well, I kill monsters" said Starscream. "I'm intrigued" said Megatron "what kinds?". "Have you ever heard of an ahanita?" Asked Starscream. Megatron shrugged and shook his head. "Well, it looks like a normal bot except it has curled horns, and survos that can turn into pincers. They have a sixth sense that allows them to detect lies, they have a severe sensitivity to earth fluids, but they can adapt quickly, making them very dangerous. Oh, and did I mention that they only drink energon from living things" said Starscream. "You fight those things?!" Said Megatron surprisedly "Megatron, I fight more than just 'those things'" said Starscream "what else to you fight?" Asked Megatron. "Cyukr's, k'fingi's, figwu's, neperdi's, Duor's, cuay's, rofunu's, et cetera" said Starscream. "And I thought fighting autobot's was hard" said Megatron "Not really" said Starscream.

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