Three days later

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Previously on Starscream's change: the next two days Megatron trained with Starscream... "when your swings aren't as wide. I could easily stab you right now" said Starscream... "better?" he asked sarcastically... he hoped his friend would come back good and okay, but a part of him was still deeply worried.

Megatron and Optimus were out for three days. Stopping here and there for energon. That's when they made it. The autobot base. Optimus said it was the best choice, but Megatron didn't really believe him. "Megatron, before I deactivate the cloaking spell I need to make you look and seem like another autobot" said Optimus, switching back to him blue and red semi-truck form and landing. Megatron landed beside him. Optimus laid a servo of Megatron's shoulder and changed him. His details and optics (eyes) were blue, and his armor was a teal Matt shade. His denta were regular and his wings were out. Except, they didn't look like his wings. He had rotors, a only, they didn't look like rotors. They were just circles with a blue light inside. His armor was more streamlined, still spiked, just streamlined. He even had a mask he could extend, and there was more armor around his hips and where the human spine would be. He didn't have claws, and his neck-plating was a bit more visible because his helm (head) was shaped more like wratchet's and slightly like Knockout's. He also had some parts that could light up on his wrists and shoulders. Instead of his blaster he had claw-like blades on each of his knuckles with the end hooked, and slightly sticking out (kinda like wolverine). He was a little bit shorter and his frame was smaller too, even the scar across his face was gone! "Now, Megatron. Your going to have to give yourself a new name and personality" said Optimus.

"I already have one. And yes, I can easily act it out" said Megatron "my name is Blowjob I am fifty vorns old, tallest one in my family. I am also welcoming, idealistic, determined, responsible, and understanding. I am also Megatron's brother"

"Sounds great" said Optimus shrugging "I am actually fifty though" said Megatron as they both transformed and went to the base (Optimus it is other form of course). "Wow your... actually kind of young" said Optimus "for a Cybertronian, I'm five thousand in actual years" said Megatron. "Yeah but that would be like a human counting their age in months. I'm older than you" said Optimus. "By a Vorn" huffed Megatron.

(Autobot base)

The autobots had received a message from Optimus prim that he was coming. He also stated in the message that he was bringing none other than Megatron's brother with him. "I didn't know Megatron had a brother" said Arcee "not only that, what is it's a trick? What if its just Megatron?" Asked Bulkhead. "Optimus would know, right?" Said Jack "he should" said wratchet. Just then Optimus rode in. Flying beside his was a light blue jet. They both transformed. "Uh, hi" said the light blue bot "I'm Blowjob".

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