This is us

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Previously on Starsceam's change: Megatron and Optimus were out for three days... that's when they made it... Optimus said it was the best choice, but Megatron didn't really believe him... "uh, hi" said the light blue bot "I'm blowjob".

Megatron and Optimus hung out a lot and the bots are slowly trusting him. It's been six days. Six days since Starscream was captured. That's when they got a call. "Optimus! There's a call! And... it's Starscream" said Wratchet. "Starscream?!" Shouted Megatron happily. Wratchet answered and moved out of the way for Megatron and Optimus. "O-Optimus? And... w-who's the other guy?" Stuttered Starscream. "Megatron's brother" said Megatron winking. "Ah. Yeah right" said Starscream. "Starscream... where are you? And d-did you escape? Came you come?! C-can we come? Why haven't you contacted us yet?" Optimus had a lot of questions. You can't blame him, his friend was captured by monsters. "Don't worry Optimus" chuckled Starscream "I know where your at and I'm coming". "Are you wounded?" Asked Megatron "a bit, nothing too bad" was Starscream's reply. "Thank Primus" said Optimus. The call shut off. "Starscream?! Seriously?!" Yelled Arcee. "I guess it's time to explain Meg" said Optimus "yeah, I guess" said Megatron. "Meg?" Beeped Bumblebee confusingly.

(An hour later)

The autobot's were upset. "I still can't believe all the things you said, Optimus. Your a Mage?" Said Bulkhead. "Uuuugh! I'm not a mage! Why must everyone mess this up?! I. Am. A. Witch!" Said Optimus. "But you have a wand" said Megatron. Optimus turned him back. "Those are for hard spells got it MEGAN!" Shouted Optimus "did you just call me Megan?" Asked Megatron. "It's your human femme name" said Optimus "do I look like either of those?!" Yelled Megatron. "Well, no, but you could most definitely pass as a large backside" said Optimus, turning around to walk away. Megatron walked up beside him. "Hey Optimus" he said "what" groaned Optimus. "LIKE YA CUT G!!" Yelled Megatron, slapping Optimus on the back of the head. "Hey Megatron" said Optimus. Megatron could stop laughing to see him. "LIKE YA FACE G!!" Yelled Optimus slapping Megatron 'cross the face. Miko burst out laughing. "You are such a savage OP!" She said.

(The next day)

Megatron and Optimus were sitting by the entrance. "Are you two going to do anything else?" Asked Jack's mom, June. "We have to wait for Starscream" said Megatron "well, the hallways are getting a bit dirty. Go clean them" said June. "I'm sorry, my processor (brain) is like an earth dog, and it ran away from me. Comment: not understood" said Optimus. "Nice" said Megatron, offering a fist bump. Optimus took it. "I. Said. Now!" Said June forcefully, putting her hands on her hips. "Okay! Okay!" Said Both leaders. As soon as they got up a jet came flying in. He transformed with a cool flip and landed next to Megatron. The autobots stopped what they were doing. "Oi" said Starscream, saluting them. "STARSCREAM!!!" Yelled Op and Meg, giving him a tight hug. Optimus even morphed into his other form out of happiness. "Wo-HO! I need those... inside me. I am going to explode. Room. getting... darker" said Starscream. "You can hold up just about two tons but you can't handle a tight hug?" Asked Optimus, dropping Starscream. "Like I said... just a bit wounded" said Starscream. He was holding his side, energon seeped into the floor. Megatron realized that there was energon on him. "Oh-no, did I do that?" Asked Megatron "no-no. It happens whilst I was away" said Starscream. Wratchet brought him to the med-bay. Optimus and Megatron following. "How did you even transform?" Asked Wratchet once Starscream was on the birth. He put some I.V's in him, he was already droopy and weird at the moment. "I. AM. INFRANGIBLE!" He yelled, laying down. "Yes yes, very good" said Wratchet, already putting a bandage on Starscream's head. "Adamadamadama!" He yelled. Optimus laughed. Starscream continued to say weird stuff like "MAH OPTICS SEE DA LIIIIIIIIGHT WRATCH-WRATCH!!" And "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!". Optimus and Megatron were told to wait outside. Optimus was talking with Miko and Op when Starscream came out. "Iam... MISTER moo-moo!" He slurred "sit over here moo-moo" said Wratchet, leading Starscream to a ledge of some sort. "MISTER!" Yelled Starscream, sitting down. Wratchet walked away. "Mister moo-moo huh?" Asked Megatron "yeeeeeeeeessssss?" Asked Starscream. Megatron rolled his optics. About an hour later, when the medication wore off, Starscream was feeling like his usual self.

I'm sorry this was a so short!😭 Don't worry!👍 My brain is working overtime to get this book done so I can work on my others! Have a great day! Also I am using like fifty random generators and editing things out to make more sense In This story. So yeah...

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