The compelty ramndom chapter!

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Previously on Starscream's change: Starscream woke Megatron up early... "follow me" Starscream said, transforming... "what are we doing here?" Asked Megatron "I'm gonna teach you how to read an energon monitor" said Starscream, pulling out a pad with a handle extending out of one side... "fine, I'll be sort of nice to him" said Optimus "good enough" said Starscream.

Starscream woke everyone up at six in the morning. "Optimus, you contact me if anyone comes to the camp" said Starscream "Megatron, follow me". They transformed and flew to the same spot they found the energon. Megatron noticed the light fog, he didn't care but he still noticed. They were in the heart of the forest. "It's so pretty here" said Starscream "what are we doing?" Asked Megatron. "I'm gonna teach you useful tricks, first off, is climbing" said Starscream

(Back at nemesis)
Knockout laid on his birth, trying to figure out what had happened to Megatron. He decided to get up and go to his lab (or whatever it's called). He remembered his fierce red optics. "Maybe an autobot captured him, but how?" Thought knockout. He vented and stepped into his lab.

(With Starscream and Megatron)
Megatron was halfway up a cliff. "Why can't I just transform?!" He asked/yelled "because there will be situations where you have to climb to escape and your alt mode can't fit" said Starscream hovering behind Megatron. "Uuuugh" groaned Megatron. He grabbed a rock and made sure it was steady to climb up. He slipped a couple times but he continued to climb. He draped himself over the edge panting when he was at the top. Starscream helped him stand up. "Look" said Starscream pointing to the sun. It had already risen above the horizon but it still lit up the sky beautifully. "Woah..." said Megatron "while your locked away in The nemesis I get to see things like this all the time" said Starscream. "What's life like when your free?" Asked Megatron "What do you mean?" Asked Starscream. "Y'know, free, without many, or any, rules. Just doing what you want" said Megatron. "There's no such thing as a life without rules" said Starscream "although you may not follow rules from others everyone has there own rules. Wether they know it or not. And I don't just to whatever I want, I protect the world. Optimus helps when I need him to.". "Okay, then what's your life like" asked Megatron. "Five words or less?" Asked Starscream "sure" said Megatron. "Awesome" said Starscream "I'm sure it is" said Megatron. "We should get back now" said Starscream "can we fly this time?" Asked Megatron. Starscream laughed a little. "Yeah, we can" he said.

(Time skip)

They landed at camp to find Optimus playing with the water. As in not just in the water, but moving it around without touching it. Megatron was a little surprised the he could do that but Starscream had told him that Optimus was a wizard, or was he a mage? Whatever, he was magic. Megatron held out his servo. "Optimus, are you spraying us with water?" Asked Megatron, feeling drops fall onto him. "No, if I was it would feel like this" said Optimus, blasting Megatron in the face with water. "Fair point" he said. The rain got harder and harder until it was restless. Starscream groaned. Optimus lifted his servos and formed a force field around them. "Hmph, wimps" he said.

I ran out of ideas! The next chapter will be longer because I'm gonna be lazy and use a generator app. But don't worry to al those readers who like original ideas, when I dii ok this I change things up. So keep reading!

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