The attack

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Previously on Starscream's change: Megatron ran as fast as he could... "it's your fault Megatron!" Yelled Megatron's assailant... "you tried to protect us"... Optimus was meditating.

The next two days Megatron trained with Starscream. "Your swings are too wide" said Starscream "when will you teach me better moves?" Asked Megatron. "When your swings aren't as wide. I could easily stab you right now" said Starscream. Megatron switched his tactics. "Better?" He asked sarcastically. Starscream chuckled. "Yeah" he said "better". "Starscream, you said you wanted to teach me other languages? Can we start?" Asked Megatron. "Sure if you'd like" said Starscream. They made their way back to Optimus. "Hey OP, do you think you could make us some paper?" Asked Starscream. Optimus, who was currently looking over his spell cards, poked a tree and the bark turned to paper. "Thanks" said Starscream, picking up the prices "could use two pens or something". "Gimme two papers" said Optimus, holding out his servo. Long story short he turned them into pens. Starscream sat down in front of Megatron and wrote something down on three of the pages and gave them to Megatron.

One read:
The language of the Gwlaigraobs


Megatron continued reading it. The paper was simple words, then translated into whatever language Starscream was teaching him. Gwlaigraobian I think it was. Starscream continued to right down translations, each paper having less and less simpler words on it. About two or three hours later Starscream was done writing down LITERALLY EVERY WORD IN THE ENGLISH DICTIONARY PLUS SOME! And Megatron, well... wasn't even halfway through them. The best he could do was organize them. Optimus was doodling on the leftover papers, and Starscream was perfecting katas. It was late in the evening when Megatron was finished. "Screamey, how in the world do you write so fast?" He asked, laying flat on his stomach and face-planting the ground. "When I was still in the ninja clan I wrote a lot of notes and messages and had three sprained wrists in the process. And did you just call me Screamey?" said Starscream. "It's your new nickname deal with it" said Megatron "while we're all getting nicknames, Megatron your Megsy now" said Optimus. "No. Never. If you want to give me a nickname like that at least call me Meg" said Megatron. "Optimus needs a nickname now" said Starscream "now, now, Starscream, he's little boy blue!" Said Megatron. "MURDER! MURDER THEM ALL!" Yelled Optimus, stabbing the paper. "Oh, come now, Optimus, your short and blue" said Starscream. Optimus grabbed a nearby stick and attacked Starscream with it. Starscream, of course, ran for the hills. Megatron of the other hand was enjoying the fight. Mostly because it was less of a fight and more "Starscream curled up in a ball while Optimus tries to impale him with a stick". But it was worth it. The rest of the day went by fast. They ate, they drank, they talked, played truth or dare, they trained, and they slept. Before ya know it, there it is! Morning! But the morning wasn't quite what they expected. "Megatron! Megatron! Hey Meg wake up!" Yelled Starscream. "W-What?" Asked Megatron "Ahanita solders have found us! Now hide!" Whispered Starscream. Megatron saw Optimus. He was creating a force field around their area and looking around cautiously. "Go! In that tree!" Said Starscream. Megatron climbed up the tree he was pointing at. It was densely foilated with many vines and leaves. The constant energon exposure mutated all the plants and animals in some way so he hoped it would be enough to hide him. He crawled into a nook and pulled some branches and vines over him. Eventually some... things... came out of the bushes. Curled horns, and claws. Megatron remembered what Starscream said when he came back. The "things" were Ahanita's. The colors ranged from hot pink to aquamarine, they also had strange voices. Like two or three cons talking in sync while one had a really robotic voice, they also had wings like Starscream's. "So they CAN transform like us" thought Megatron. "Where is the chosen one?" Asked a solder with sharp denta (teeth) like Megatron's. Starscream and Optimus simply drew their weapons (Op has a wand cause why not?). One of the solders with a scar on her wing tried to step through the barrier but was zapped. Megatron couldn't help but laugh a little. A few seemed to hear him. They all looked at the tree. The one in the middle, the tallest one with the most scars, pointy fangs, and orange armor, looked directly at him. The field broke down and she smirked. "Get him!! In the tree!" She yelled. Megatron didn't hesitate to run. The others followed. In a race, he could never beat Starscream, even before he was a ninja, but on a adrenaline rush, Megatron could outrun anything. Including Starscream. The three did their best to stick together. When they got to a clearing they lifted off. Unfortunately for them more Ahanita solders were in the trees. They jumped down and trapped Starscream with a net. "Starscream!" Shouted Megatron turning around. Optimus purposefully ran into him. Megatron nearly fell out of the sky and barely dodged a net. "WHAT THE HECK!!!??? We HAVE TO SAVE STARSCREAM!!!" Yelled Megatron, flying back up. "He's been in that kind of pickle before... what matters most right now is that I get you to safety" said Optimus. Megatron sighed. He hoped his friend would come back good and okay, but a part of him was still deeply worried.

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