Megatrons foreshadow

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Previously on Starscream's change: the week went by fast... in two of them were fighting the third would butt in and punch both of them in the face... "SHUT UP MEGATRON!" Yelled Optimus "ME SHUT UP?! YOU'RE THE HEADACHE!" Yelled Megatron back... "no" said Megatron, drinking the rest of it.

(A week and a half later)

*//Megatron ran as fast as he could. He couldn't let him catch up, he just couldn't. "It's your fault Megatron!" Yelled Megatron's assailant (I hope I used that word right).

"Megatron, you weren't you, don't take it out on yourself"

"You tried to protect us"

"I'll be Back"

Those three sentences rang through Megatron's head like a bell. He'd told him "but I remember it so clearly! How do I know you're not lying? What if he takes his revenge while your gone?! I can't fight who, and what, you can!". He told Megatron that he'd be fine, obviously not. Now Megatron was being chased down. It's been three days since he last saw his freind! He Hasn't even commed! The crisp night air whistled past Megatron as he was tackled down. The face glaring down at him was angry and full of hate and pain. "It's your fault he's gone! It's your fault our lives are ruined! It's your fault this war happened! It's you! It's always you!" Yelled the angry mech. "I'm... sorry..." Megatron chocked our. That was all he wanted his last words to be. He wanted his freind to know that he was sorry. Even if he didn't change his mind, which Megatron knew he wouldn't. He was dead, there was no fighting it//*. Megatron woke up in a frantic cold sweat. He calmed down a little bit when he realized it was just a dream. He looked at Optimus. That bot in his dream definitely wasn't him, but hey hay did have a striking resemblance. They both were triple-changers, they both had dark armor, they both are very strong, and both are shorter than Megatron. Not to mention the similar facial features and deep voice. Megatron went back to sleep.

(That morning)

Starscream had made an Iron Halbred (a type of axe), with the help of Optimus, for Megatron. "Remember, your weapon chooses you as much as you choose it" said Starscream. Megatron swung the weapon around, causing the narrow blade to sever a branch. He tried again, to land a single hit on Starscream. He failed miserably when the semi-circle edge got wedged in a rock. Megatron sighed. "I think it chose the rock" he said. Optimus waved his hand and the axe turned back into a stick, a stone, and iron ore. "How about a sword?" Asked Starscream. Megatron nodded. Optimus lifted his hand, and the materials formed one, long, sword. Starscream held up a wooden board. Megatron swung the blade carefully and sliced the board clean in half. Starscream checked the sword blade. "Reliable blade, sharp edge, and cool markings" said Starscream. "Markings? I didn't put markings on it" said Optimus. "Maybe it was Megatron, he has magic inside of him. Maybe the sword altered when he picked it up" said Starscream. "Guess it really did choose me" said Megatron. The guard between the blade and the sword was kind of serpent-like. The grip was light blue and the pummel (end of the handle) was spherical. It wasn't very heavy, and it was evenly balanced and comfortable. "This should be easy enough to teach you" said Starscream "But to learn this weapon you must master other things first come to the pond with me". They walked to the large pond almost in the middle of the jungle and sat down in front of it. "Slap the water" said Starscream. Megatron learned the hard way not to annoy Starscream with the question of "why" so he slapped the water. "Again, but this time full streangth" said Starscream. Megatron did this. He did it the next day, and the day after that too. "Why am I doing this?" Asked Megatron eventually "slapping water helps you gain arm strength and control" said Starscream. "This is all I will be doing isn't it?" Asked Megatron "I was wandering when you'd ask that" said Starscream. "Stand up" he said. Megatron did. "These are eight factors of sword fighting" said Starscream "physical conditioning, mental aspects, deception, confidence, rhythm, intimidation, timing and distance, and caution". Megatron nodded as Starscream threw him his sword. "The trick two sword fighting is to never use the same attack twice, never make the attack your using to obvious, and don't attack first" said Starscream. "I've heard not to use the same attack twice before. When I trained to be a gladiator I was told that it'll make it easier for your opponent to read you" said Megatron. "Yes, that is true. That is the same reason you can't be waving red flags in the air in a fight" said Starscream. "Why is it a bad idea to strike first?" Asked Megatron "so that you can read your opponent. Always dodge on their first attacks, it wears them out. Now put your sword up" said Starscream. "What do I do?" Asked Megatron "ten burpees, I'll do them with you. I need the exercise" said Starscream.

(Ten burpees later)

"Now climb to the top of that tree and climb down three times" said Starscream pointing to a tree.

(Time skip cause I'm so lazy)

When they had made their way back to Optimus Megatron was panting a little. The training was intense, even for him. Optimus was meditating.

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