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Previously on Starscream's change: Starscream woke everyone up at six in the morning... they transformed and flew to the same spot they found the energon... they were in the heart of the forest... "hmph, wimps" he said.

That week went by fast. Starscream always yelled at someone who 'drank too much energon'. If two of them were fighting the third would usually but in and punch both of them in the face. Either they would stop fighting or the fighting would get worse. "SHUT UP MEGATRON!" Yelled Optimus "ME SHUT UP?! YOUR THE HEADACHE!" Yelled Megatron back. "EVERYONE NEEDS TO SHUT UP NOW!" Yelled Starscream, using his 'voice-of-authority'. Both bots did exactly what Starscream had said, they shut up. "Thank you. Now stay quiet for the rest of the journey" said Starscream. "Starscream, can't we just fly?" Asked Megatron. "Does Optimus look like a flying vehicle to you?" Asked Starscream sarcastically "I have magic" said Optimus. "Then. Use the magic. And turn yourself. Into a flying vehicle" said Starscream trying not to yell. Optimus mumbled something and transformed into a jet. The other two transformed as well and they continued the rest of the journey in air. "How much longer till we reach the energon?" Asked Optimus "should be right down here" said Starscream, nosediving towards the entrance of a cave. He took out the energon tracker and looked at it. "We should keep going forwards" said Starscream. Optimus used a light spell to light the way. Soon they reached where the cave split into two tunnels. Starscream took out the tracker again. "This way" he said, pointing to the tunnel on the right. About five minutes into the tunnel they found a cave full of energon. "There's a lot of energon here" said Megatron. "Leogenra" said Optimus. Suddenly the room lit up with an fiery glow. "Cool trick" said Megatron "it's just a basic light spell" said Optimus. "Well, I'm not a mage so I think it's cool" said Megatron. "You could learn magic, you are the last decent" said Optimus. "are you willing to teach me?" Asked Megatron "I don't know yet" said Optimus. He walked over to Starscream to help mine the energon out of the cave walls. Megatron decided to take in what the place looked like. The cave chamber they were in was mid-sized and had energon galore. "Starscream. I'm going to walk around the cave and familiarize myself with it while you two do that" said Megatron. Starscream waved him off. "don't get lost and don't die" he said. Megatron nodded and headed out. He was a little curious about where the other tunnel went to so he followed it. At the end of it he found a whole, beautiful, place. There was no roof, it was entirely open to the sky. All around there was colors ranging from blue to all shades of yellow and all the colors in between. Butterflies flew around every where and Megatron could hear birds singing. The place was huge, and that's saying something considering the size of Megatron. He decided to walk around. It was definitely safe to say that it was like a jungle. The canopy alone was definitely enough to keep them hidden. Megatron noticed a dark corridor behind one vines growing up the wall. He entered. Energon Chrystals reflected all light that was in there making it seem a lot nicer. The corridor was very short and Megatron came to a dead end. Or did he? Megatron saw bits of light poking through the corners of the bottom. He got on all fours and peeked through a hole and saw Starscream and Optimus. Megatron backed up and ran at the the wall with his shoulder. The wall wasn't even a wall. It was a big rock and it was surprisingly light. Megatron and to rock fell over. "Woa-oof!" Grunted Megatron. Starscream and Optimus swiftly turned around. "Megatron?" Asked Starscream confused. "No time to explain, you two gotta see this" said Megatron getting up and dragging both of them to the other side. They both gasped at the sight. "And a plus side to it, there's a lot of energon here" said Megatron. He was right. Energon crystals were everywhere. Optimus picked one up, Bit off the end and drank it dry. "This the best engergon I've ever tasted" he said "really? Let me try" said Starscream, biting off the end of a crystal and taking a drink. He nodded his head in agreement. Megatron took a drink too. "It's official" he said "can I have my energon back?" Asked Starscream. "No" said Megatron, drinking the rest of it.

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