That night

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Previously on Starscream's change:
"S-Starscream?!" Asked Megatron completely flabbergasted... he was taller, his head level with the top of Megatron's... his armor didn't Chang much but the colors did, the silver colors were black and the red colors were silver... "and I thought fighting autobots was hard" said Megatron "not really" said Starscream.

Megatron entered his room after a long day. He saw Starscream sitting in a chair sharpening his blades. They were actually pretty cool.

(I saw this on the internet so I can't take claim for this amazing pic)"Where did your get those swords?" Asked Megatron, sitting down "I had them in my belt the whole time" said Starscream, looking up

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(I saw this on the internet so I can't take claim for this amazing pic)
"Where did your get those swords?" Asked Megatron, sitting down "I had them in my belt the whole time" said Starscream, looking up. "Oh" said Megatron. He transformed his sword and looked at it. "Do you have a spare sharpener?" He asked. "Here ya go, my blades are always sharp" said Starscream tossing the sharpener to Megatron. He caught it and started sharpening. "Do you even know how to sharpen a blade" asked Starscream "is there a certain way?" Asked Megatron, who was rubbing the sharpener against the sides of his blade vigorously. Starscream chuckled and sat by him. "I'll do it for you" said Starscream holding out his hand. Megatron gave him the sharpener. Starscream hummed a catchy tune as he sharpened Megatron's blade. "Starscream, ever since you've came back you've been... nice, to me. Why?" Asked Megatron. Starscream stopped for a klick (second). "I... don't know, why have you been nice to me" said Starscream continuing. "I guess it's because I don't want to drive you off again" said Megatron. Starscream dropped the sharpener. "You... you think that you drove me off" said Starscream "of coarse I do, when Arachnid came back you didn't. And I treated you horribly..." Megatron trailed off "Megatron I'll tell you why I ran off" said Starscream. "You mean it wasn't my fault?" Asked Megatron "no, it wasn't your fault. You may have mistreated me but I ran away because I felt I couldn't trust anyone anymore" said Starscream. "But I know that I still hurt you" said Megatron "I'll forgive you if you promise me you'll never blame yourself for my actions ever again" said Starscream. Megatron retracted his blade and hugged Starscream a bit. "I promise" he said. "You need to get some rest" said Starscream "you've had a hard day, especially with that Steve con". "Wait how did you know?" Asked Megatron. "I'm a ninja, Megatron, I'm good at spying" said Starscream "now get some rest". Megatron turned off the lights and laid down. He saw the faint outline of Starscream getting the chair to sit by Megatron. As he drifted to recharge he couldn't help but think "What if me and Starscream can be freinds now?".
(5 hours later)
Starscream woke up to the crash of a nearby window. Without a second thought he woke Megatron up and told him to hide under his berth. "Bu-" Megatron was cut off "just do it! Yelled Starscream. Megatron did. Starscream turned around just as the pink and blue aquabot came through the window. The glowing pink markings gave enough light for Megatron to see her.

(No claim, not mine)"Cavitate" growled Starscream, protectively standing up

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(No claim, not mine)
"Cavitate" growled Starscream, protectively standing up. "Listen, Hand over the prince, and no one gets hurt" said Cavitate, creating a sphere of water, then morphing it into a high pressure water sword. Starscream took out one of his swords and got ready to fight. Cavitate came at him first, aiming for the head. Starscream blocked with his sword. Cavitate stepped back and punched Starscream in the middle of his face. He stumbled back and soon found that her left side was open when she squared up to punch. He he sliced her with his sword, she tried to block but Starscream was too fast and he landed the hit (or in this case, cut). "Ugh!!" She yelled as her energon began to leak out. She morphed the water into a bandage and put it around her, then fled out the window. Starscream quickly put the things on the desk in his belt (except the energon). Megatron got out from under the berth. "Come on, we have to leave" said Starscream, Taking Megatron's wrist and leading him out. "Where are we going?" Asked Megatron as they reached the Take-off port (or whatever it's called) "somewhere away from here" said Starscream, transforming and taking off. "Why?" asked Megatron, doing the same "because if one bad-guy knows where you live eventually they all will" said Starscream. "Good point, but do you have a destination in mind?" Asked Megatron. "No" admitted Starscream. Megatron vented. They continued to fly until they reached a seemingly untouched part of a beach. They landed. "That's weird, I didn't know they had beaches in this part of earth" said Megatron. "We're not in Nevada anymore, we're in what humans call California" said Starscream. "So, do we just live here now? Asked Megatron. "We'll live here until they find us" said Starscream. He looked up. "It's sunrise" he said. Megatron didn't care what time it was, he was busy checking out where they had landed. There was tall rocks all around them leaving only the ocean open to them. The spot was small, but there was room for both of them to transform and take off separately at the same time. "Starscream, who, and what, attacked us back at nemesis" asked Megatron. "She was an aquabot, they were banished from the face of cybertron hundreds of eons ago, and have adapted to living in earth waters" said Starscream. "And why did she call me a prince?" Asked Megatron "your called many different things to other breeds of cybertronian. For example, if you met a cyukr they would call you prinche ūdõp, which in their language means prince of the third realm, and the k'fingi would call you 'the chosen one'" said Starscream. "Hmph, I'm not that special" said Megatron "Well, Not exactly to you, but to others" said Starscream.

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