On the nemisis

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Back at the nemesis Megatron had one friend. A vehicon named 5t3v3 a.k.a Steve. Megatron kept him away from the bullies on the ship, or... at least the cons that bullied him. Now that he was gone, Steve was bullied a lot. This time he was attacked by Bumblebee when he, and the other autobots, attacked a mine. He trudged along to the med-bay. He had quite a few dents on his faceplate, along with a gash on his back. Last time it was the same thing, except that time his hips hurt so bad he could barely walk for a week. All that time Megatron was there with him. Steve missed Megatron. He didn't even know how they were even friends. It kind of escalated from a simple talk with a half-drunk Megatron (they can get drunk of high-grade which is robot alcohol). Steve laughed at the memory. "Knockout..." he asked "yes?" Said Knockout. "Do you ever... miss Megatron?" Asked Steve. "Well, the big lug sure could knock some sense into you when you needed it, and could smother you down into a loyal husk just by a scolding. So... I guess maybe sometimes" said Knockout. Steve sighed. "He was your friend, I understand" said Knockout. That's when Breakdown came bursting in. "Knockout! You have to come see this video! It's of Megatron" he said. Knockout and Steve looked at each other, then followed Breakdown. When the reached Soundwave they figured out that the other officers had already saw it. Soundwave's screen lit up and played the video. The first thing Steve saw was Megatron, and some blue bot who looked a lot like Optimus Prime.

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