The stalker is back

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Megatron's stalker was back. Starscream knew. And he didn't want anyone else to know. That night, the first ped-step woke Starscream up. He stood up and took out his swords. There, he saw Darkclaw. "What do you want" Starscream said Flatly, stepping over his sleeping comrades. "You know what I want" said Darkclaw "give me the prince. I may have medical training but I warn you I'm not afraid to kill". Darkclaw opened the claw-things on the arm-thing on his back (I'll just call it his third arm). Darkclaw launched it forward. Starscream blocked with one of his swords, causing the claw to latch on. Darkclaw tossed Starscream aside. Starscream quickly got up and attacked. Starscream didn't quite know what he was gonna do, he was always taught to fight with his mind clear. With that being said, Starscream bit Darkclaw. It wasn't what he was trained to do but it was something. Darkclaw was surprised. He couldn't reach Starscream, so he spun around, trying to fling the seeker off. Finally, he spun around real fast, Starscream was flown off. He jumped back up and jabbed his digits in a pressure point, just under Darkclaw's torso. While he was stunned Starscream also jabbed Darkclaw's visor, leaving a large crack over an optic. Darkclaw pushed Starscream off so fast he almost threw him... again. And that's what he did, he picked Starscream up and threw him. Or at least... he tried to. Starscream hooked his claws deep in Darkclaw's armor, drawing energon. Darkclaw grabbed Starscream with his third arm and tossed him. His only mistake is that now Starscream could now get his swords. He grabbed them and ran at Darkclaw. He turned around, only to get slashed in the face by Starscream. He stumbled back, holding his faceplate. Starscream kicked him into the wall of the market, his back landing painfully on a broken board. Starscream tossed his aside, then drop-kicked him. Starscream held his sword at the ready, preparing to end the fight. Darkclaw unexpectedly threw Starscream off and vanished into the shadows. Starscream laid down panting. He looked over at Megatron. He wasn't sleeping anymore. "Woah..." he said. Starscream froze. "L-listen Megatron, there's a perfectly good reason I-"

"Shut up! That was incredible!" Said Megatron. "Well it certainly wasn't my best performance" said Starscream "I could tell, but that was better that I could've done! He was huge! Was that Darkclaw?!" Said Megatron. "It was" said Starscream. He went beside Optimus, who was still asleep, and fell asleep as well, along with Megatron.

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