Mysterious Girl

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Florence stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing the girl. A waterfall of golden ringlets hung over her shoulders and down her back. She kept her gaze high, and shoulders back, but didn't come across as intimidating. Here eyes were a striking blue, her lips full and pink. She had skin so fair it appeared as if a slight exposure to the sun would hurt her. She was the most wondrous girl Florence had ever laid eyes upon.

She wore a beautiful ballerina pink dress that was taken in at the waist, and flowed all the  way down to her ankles. The wrists were adorned with white lace and pearls to line the cuff. Florence noticed she wore several rings over her gloves. A pearl necklace laid on her chest as well. She clutched her parasol daintily at her side, as Mintie escorted her down the hall.

The girl gave a slight flutter of her fingers upon passing Florence. Florence stood, stupidly, goggling at her. She hurriedly tiptoed back to her room. Flinging herself onto the bed, she gazed at the vaulted ceiling above. Her mind raced with questions. She figured she ought to put them aside and make herself presentable. Forgetting all about her book she had left on the floor, she scuffled over to her wardrobe, hunting for her best dress. Mintie came in shortly after Florence had given up on attire.

"Here Miss, I'm sure this will look lovely." Mintie announced softly, extending a lavender colored gown towards Florence.

"Grab my good corset would you?" Mintie knew exactly the one she was talking about.

She helped Florence get laced up, and slipped her dress on. Florence hadn't worn this one in ages, and she took a moment to admire herself in the vanity.

"Thank you Mintie." She said quietly after a moment.

Mintie just nodded and continued to shuffle about the room. She noticed the untouched tea on the table, but pushed the thought aside easily. She shut the wardrobe and tidied up the mess Florence had created.

Florence worked up the courage to ask. "Who was she?" She squeaked.

"Another friend of Clair's, very close the both of them" Mintie answered whilst remaking the bed.

Florence allowed her face to drop for a moment, only because Mintie wasn't looking at her. She scolded herself for being so foolish. Someone as handsome as Clair surely has a lover. She let out a saddened sigh, and pushed her hair behind her ears.

"Supper shall be ready soon, I trust you can take care of yourself from here?" Mintie asked politely.

"Only if I get lost on the way to the garden." Florence teased with a smile.

Mintie, used to her antics just gave a breathy laugh and strode out of the room. Florence sunk onto her freshly made bed, upset at this new news of the mystery girl. 

"Perhaps they weren't in love, just companions." She tried desperately to cheer herself up. 

No, she wasn't going to be discouraged this easily. She'd known Clair for what, all of 4 minutes, he could be a horrid man. Her books had taught her well. She regained her composure, reminding herself to be cheery just at the notion of house guests. They were such a rarity, she knew she couldn't spend the time sulking around.

She powdered her face neatly, and applied a rouge that Mintie had given her last birthday to her cheekbones. She stood back to admire herself. Her figure, the slender curve of her jawline. Her violet dress, pale dress slippers, and oh!

She fetched a pair of her old gloves out of a thin drawer and slipped them over her delicate fingers. She had second thoughts, could she even eat a pastry without getting them dreadfully dirty? She was determined to be just a classy as the mysterious girl. Glove-handed Florence pranced out of the room.

She immediately turned back in and snatched her book of off the lush carpet, knowing she couldn't possibly leave it behind.

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