Under a Spell

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Clair's lips on hers felt like pure ecstasy, the room faded to black all around her and she could only see Clair's gold rimmed features before she shut her eyes. He pulled her in deeply, his hands wildly tangled through her hair. Florence sighed against his lips, Clair shuddered but didn't stop. He tasted like champagne and ink, and odd combination, but beautiful on him. Florence ran her fingers over his cheekbones, feeling every curve and rise of his face. He was like a perfectly chiseled statue in her garden, only real.

And here she was, Florence, kissing Clairence.

Clair deepened the kiss, propping her against the book shelf. Florence let out tiny breaths as he ran his hands up and down her face, wondrously. He seemed like he was reassuring himself she was real, not a dream. Florence's mind reeled, to be touched like this was a rarity. Quite easily considered inappropriate, but she couldn't think of one thing she wanted more than this right now. Each day apart from him had felt worse, she kept feeling the tug in her chest, reeling her in towards him. It'd been only a week since Clair arrived, and here they were.

"Clair please don't stop." She whimpered, hands on his chest.

"I won't."

He cupped her face and began kissing her once more. Every time their lips touched Florence felt electricity pulsing through her veins. It left her dazed, wanting only more of him. To feel him, touch him, hear his heart beating. Clair broke off from her lips and placed gentle a kiss on her collarbone. Florence's breath hitched as he took a step back from her.

"That was-" Florence began, her lips barely in a smile.

"Breathtaking." Clair finished, running his hands through his hair wildly.

Florence nodded fiercely. Then, bit her lip as she realized they hadn't even looked at books yet.

"Perhaps we should have a look around." She offered, fidgeting with the folds of her skirt.

"Yes." Clair agreed, his eyes still glittering from the heat of the moment.

They exited the tiny space and back into the main part of the store. It was almost as if nothing had happened, but the odd pressure of Clair's hand now in hers reminded her it wasn't a dream. The two spent the rest of their time examining and poring over novels. Florence clutching the books to her chest, going on and on about characters. Clair noting on the print and descriptions. Florence couldn't help notice they made quite an exceptional duo.

They made their way back to the carriage, only slowly this time. Allowing for Clair to take in the scenery. The muted buildings, the sky, now dreary per London norm. Florence pointed out hidden gems along the way, an old duck pond, a frightening alley, and a pub called Devil's Tavern. To whom all of which Clair laughed at.

Eventually they made it back to the carriage, where they sat next to each other now. Clair weaved his fingers into hers, caressing each one, and examined the difference in each. Even the simplest of her features amazed him. When Florence could see the gates of the estate approaching, only then did she allow herself to speak up.

"Clairence, please tell me I'll get to be like this with you again." She said with a worried tone, her voice barely wavering at the fear of his answer.

"Of course Florence." Clair assured her immediately.

"Thank you." She exhaled in relief.

Clair helped her exit the carriage, her hand detached from his as they walked through the gardens back to the house. Florence saw Cathryn running alongside Aurora through the trees. Her slender figure darting in and out, Aurora hot on her trail. Clair didn't seem to notice her though.

Florence guided him back to his room, before she could walk away, Clair eased her against the door frame and placed a kiss on her cheek. Florence flashed him a gorgeous smile and flounced off to her room. Clairence leaned against his wall, sighing at the after image of the girl etched into his mind.

The pitter patter of graceful feed bounding down the hallway made Clair stand up attentively. Realizing he had left his door open, he moved to shut it, but not before Cathryn snaked her way into the room.

"By God, you were gone forever." She complained, pulling him into a hug.

"You know, it's wonderful to be like this again." She whispered to his hair.

Clair winced, hoping she wouldn't notice. Cathryn pulled back sharply, and Clair prepared for the worst.

"Clairence, are you alright?" She asked hesitantly.

"I just-" Clair impulsively leaned in to kiss her, startling her in the process.

She eventually melted into the kiss, all feeling gone. She pulled him backwards onto the bed, not an accident this time. Hurriedly she guided his hands to her dress ties. Conveniently located in the front. Clair's hands shook as he untied her dress. It wasn't like he hadn't seen her like this before, but the previous events of the day couldn't seem to leave his mind.

"Take it- take it off." Cathryn stumbled over her words.

She became different around him, she was so in love with the boy. Her step brother.

"Cathryn-" Clair pleaded.

"No, I don't care." She interjected, tears welling in her eyes.

"You know we-" He tried to reason with her.

"No Clairence! To hell with the parents!" Cathryn shouted, flustered.

Clair prayed nobody heard her.

"I love you." Her voice softened, and Clair froze.

"I love you Clairence Thompson, and I don't care that our parents decided to marry. That won't, and never has changed any thought I've ever had of you. I love you dearly." Cathryn whispered.

"I love you too." Clair responded, heart heavy with confusion, masked with desire.

Cathryn moved her own hands to his shirt where she carefully undid each button. Sighing as more of her lover's body became visible. She marveled at the sight, a beautiful bouquet unveiled.

"I wish we never have to go back to those horrid people again." She admitted, eyes glassy.

"Me neither." Confirmed Clair.

Then he began to kiss her again, subject, yet again to the dizzying spell of Cathryn Lovell

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