Children's Chatter

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"I've never actually been into the heart of London." Ruby remarked thoughtfully.

"It's quite nice. We're eating near the Thames, we'll even cross the river." Florence promised.

"Hopefully it won't have nearly as much as a putrid stench as the Mersey does." Ruby quipped.

"I liked the smell of the Mersey." Clair stated plainly.

Cathryn made a disgusted noise.

"Clair, it smells awful." She remarked, turning to face him.

Cathryn had stole the spot next to Clair, so Florence sat dangerously near Ruby. His very presence heightened all of her senses inexplicably. Clair shrugged in response, he'd been rather quite lately. After a moment of silence, Ruby spoke up again.

"Florence would you mind drawing back those curtains." He gestured towards the window with a slender finger.

She nodded and did as she was told. Ruby let out a sigh as he leaned his hands on knees to see further out the window. Outside, the sun was setting, and the faint trot of Tammy could be heard up ahead. Florence watched silently as Clair admired the view too. She imagined he was describing it beautifully, as his writer's mind always did. Florence blushed at the mere thought of it. Aching to reach out for his hand, she changed the topic purposefully.

"Ruby, what is France like?" She questioned eagerly.

"C'est merveilleux. Riche de culture et d'architecture. C'est comme tout ce dont vous avez rêvé, mais en mieux." He answered, staring at her.

"It is wonderful. Rich with culture and architecture. It's like everything you've dreamed of, only better."

His accent was gorgeous, she had to admit. A small part of her wanted him to stay longer than she assumed he would.

Reverting back to the conversation, she replied, "It is quite boring here isn't it."

Ruby looked surprised, for once.

"No, not at all. It is still spectacular, just in an entirely different way."

He seemed so sure of himself, Florence admired that. Since when did she find herself nervous in the presence of handsome foreign Frenchman.

Since when did my life become so eventful?

"You know, I'm terribly sorry the Mersey flooded." Florence muttered to nobody in particular.

"I'm not sure I ever said it, but I understand." She finished guiltily.

"It's quite alright. It smelled horrible anyways. I suppose the streets will reek of it when we return." Cathryn mused with an upturned nose.

Clair chuckled at her remark. Ruby even gave a small smile. Florence thought, in some odd love able way, that they were all pretty good together. The carriage continued to jostle along the road, whilst the children all kept lively conversation. Things like,

"My shoes are much too tiny!" Cathryn.

"You've never played Jacks? Were you ever even a child once Clairence?" Ruby.

"It was a phenomenal story really. I just hadn't expected the ending. Completely picked the wrong guy." Clair.

"Can you smell the 'putrid stench' yet, Cathryn?" Florence.

Soon, the bustle and chatter of the city came into play. The carriage rode over Blackfriar's Bridge, and headed straight for Simpson's in the Strand. They had almost arrived, Cathryn sat fiddling with her pearls. Ruby watching her in amazement, the simplest actions of hers fascinating him. Florence's heart pounded as she and Clair held eye contact. Speaking unspoken words. He smiled brightly and barely brushed his hand against hers. Wishing she could latch on and pull him near, Florence barely managed to refrain herself. The carriage lurched to a stop, and they all filed out. Clair helped Florence down instead of Ruby, who's help was declined once more by Cathryn.

Momentarily afterwards, the second carriage came bumping along. Out tumbled Jacob and Aurora, followed by Florence's parents. All together, they headed into the restaurant. Even from outside the lovely music could be heard, and the warm light cast a halo around the children's feet. Augustus swung the door open easily, and Florence, Clair, Ruby, and Cathryn tumbled inside.

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