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Everyone was already seated when Florence and Clair entered the dining room. Florence muttered a quick apology and sat herself down at the table. Clair joined her, in the seat across from her. The family had gathered at the far end of the table, it being so long. The burgundy runner spanned the entire length of the wooden surface, complete with candelabras along the way.

It was quite obvious that the Fawn family was wealthy. The sheer size of their estate was enough to tell you. They had several maids and chefs at their disposal, not to mention countless rooms. A beautifully manicured garden, tall ceilings, and polished wooden floors. Clair noticed that Florence was unbeknownst to her own fortune. Surely she wasn't, but she didn't let her wealth reflect upon her. Clair valued that. Of course Florence would never know that, but he did.

Her father was seated at the head of the table. Quite fitting for a man like him. He had an authoritative attitude, but Clair secretly hoped he had a soft side. Who would marry someone so harsh and cold.

"Good evening everyone." His voice was quite pleasant, not as deep as Clair had expected.

"You can see our food has been laid out before us. I propose we eat." He announced good-naturedly.

And with that they all started a soft chatter as they ladled out soups and reached for rolls. Mildred had prepared a lovely stew alongside a roast with a medley of vegetables. Far more than Cathryn and Clair were used to. Cathryn glanced to Clair with a grin, referring to the amount of food. He returned the amusement, and scooped an extra large heap of vegetables.

They all kept us a steady stream of chatter. Consisting of everything from life back in Liverpool for the two, and even Clair's work. Cathryn boasted about how talent he was.

"Miss Lovell," Augustus began.

"How old is your suitor here?" He asked, turning towards Clair.

Cathryn's cheeks took on a heavy pink color. She smoothed her dress and stared down. Clair quickly came to her aid.

"Oh, we aren't courting, or- or anything of the, uh sort sir." Clair stumbled over his words.

Cathryn gave him a small look, her eyes telling him "thank you." Clair rubbed his hands back and forth nervously under the table. Florence noticed this.

"I'm terribly sorry. I had just assumed..." Augustus trailed off.

"Well enough of that." He shut down the touchy topic.

"Florence, I'm sure you'll enjoy having guests around?" He looked to face his daughter, beaming.

Florence nodded in return.

"You're very pretty." Aurora announced, looking over towards Cathryn.

She gave the girl a warm smile, accompanied by a melodic giggle.

"Why thank you, you are quite beautiful yourself." She replied, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"And your dolly is very nice!" Cathryn added, peeking over Aurora's arms to see the dolls head.

"Her name is Rose." Aurora whisper giggled.

"I don't like Rose." Jacob stated flatly, glad to have an opportunity to speak about his hatred for the doll.

"Why is that?" Cathryn questioned with a frown.

"She's quite dirty." Jacob pouted, pointing out splotches and scuffs across among the Rose's face.

"And you see her dress is all torn!" He exclaimed.

"Well that's just because she's gotten lots of love." Cathryn eased him.

Jacob stayed silent, lingering on what she'd said. Aurora just gave a toothy grin and bobbed her head in affirmation. Soon enough, Mintie delivered dessert. A wonder, several layered trifle. They had all eaten a hefty amount before leaving the table. Mintie escorted Cathryn back to her room, and Florence, of course offered to show Clair the way back. They walked side by side through the looming hallways, back to their rooms.

"Goodnight Clair." Florence whisper as he rounded the corner towards his room.

"Goodnight Florence." He returned, an amused look playing across his lips.

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