Engaged But Uncertain

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Ruby waited patiently on the train station platform, his eyes scanning through the crowd of people. Suddenly, Maylis slammed into him from out of nowhere. Her arms encircled her father and they held each other tight for a moment. She pulled away and beamed up at her father. Even as she was 27 now, she remained a striking image of her mother. Maylis lived back over in Liverpool where she had been born, and was now visiting Ruby in Paris where he resided. Maylis' wife; Vivian, had stayed home.

"I've missed you so much, mon amour." Ruby told his daughter thoughtfully in French, using his nickname for her.

Her visit had been brief but enjoyable. They did typical Parisian things and spoke about how they'd been. Her being here reminded Ruby of Cathryn of course. She often fought for attention in his mind, but he tried his best not to let himself spiral into thoughts of her. Of course, along with her came thoughts of Florence. Wonderful, bubbly, curious little Florence. Ruby was set to be married in the upcoming month, though he was unsure if this was the right decisions. He'd made Florence promise not to let him cloud her judgement, so he should do the same. Yet he found her resurfacing is his mind now more often than ever.

Dancing with her in the old pub in London. Kissing her passionately. Holding her as she cried. Ruby thought that as he grew old these feeling for her would fade away, but they only grew more persistent. He did miss her. The time spent being careless, and a child. Ruby and Florence wouldn't meet again like he'd promised. Yet they'd fill each other's thoughts each and every day. Ruby longed to hold her again, but knew these were childish desires. She was old now too, and probably married, but oh how he wished it was possible. To go back in time and relive every moment with her. This all played through his mind as the walked back to his home in the heart of Paris during a gloomy night.

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