Separate Ways

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"I've only just received word that my Cathryn was here." Ruby explained, skewing his eyes over to land on the pale faced girl.

"Ah, you two?" Mr. Fawn asked, with a funny grin between the Ruby and Cathryn.

"Yes, of course. She hadn't told you?" Ruby asked, his dark eyebrows cinching up.

Cathryn made a noise between a squeak and a cough, effectively getting everyone's attention. Florence watched closely as Ruby dropped his gaze below her eyes, caressing her neckline. Florence widened her eyes in surprise at his gesture.

"Yes, excuse me for not mentioning it. Ruby and I have been courting for ages now. Mon amour." Cathryn chimed, her face pinched into a curt smile.

"I've just been in France for a bit, until the flood..." Ruby's voice trailed off, his beautiful accent fading away.

Florence wanted to offer him a cup of tea, brush his hair, something.

"And you're here now, because?" Mrs. Fawn prompted.

"Oh, I was only back in England to collect Cathryn and Clair." He began, brown eyes wide with desire.

"I had been alerted she was staying here, and had full intentions of bring her back home. That was until the flood of course. Now, I fear we have nowhere to go." He batted his long eyelashes in Florence's direction, her heart jumping out of her chest.

"Did your father intend for you to stay with us? You can, as long as you want." Mrs. Fawn smiled sweetly.

"If I could, that would be absolument parfait." Ruby answered attractively breathless.

"Absolutely perfect." Florence echoed, translating the boy's French.

Ruby turned to face her, "This one's been studying her French I see."

A smirk bloomed on the boy's gorgeous face, showing his pearly white teeth.

"Juste en peu." Florence noted, lost in Ruby's eyes.

"Just a little."

"Assez pour moi." He answered deviously.

"Enough for me."

Enough for me, he had said. Florence wriggled in her chair, suddenly aware of Cathryn's eyes on her.

"Well, I'm sure that we can find you a room once we eat. Terribly sorry we haven't yet." Augustus announced heartily.

Florence giggled, earning a sideways glance from Ruby. They all talked whilst eating, the flood and such, Liverpool, France. Clair stayed disturbingly silent, Florence couldn't possibly imagine what about Ruby could make him like this. Ruby told stories of his time in France, Aurora giggling at each one, and Jacob attentively listening. One part of his story made Florence's ears perk up.

"I had planned on returning home to stay with Cathryn and Clair's family, except well-"

"I'm sorry, did you say- are you two siblings?" Mrs. Fawn asked clearly confused.

Ruby's eyebrows shot up, playfully glancing towards Cathryn.

"Step-siblings." She choked out, not looking away from Clair.

"You've never told me this." Florence sputtered, somewhat hurt.

Cathryn shot her a glare, "I supposed you all knew." She announced carelessly.

Florence's mind spun. If she had been correct about what she'd heard that night- her stomach felt queasy. She brushed her hair behind her ears and looked blankly towards Clair. He only dropped his eyes.

"I had assumed the two of you were just childhood friends." Explained Mrs. Fawn, with a dainty shrug of her shoulders.

"We are." Clair clarified, a bitterness biting at his words.

"Ah, it makes perfect sense now. Your father, Clair, had always shown a particular interest in Maybelle Lovell." Florence's father cocked his head to the ceiling, remembering his younger days.

Ruby gave him an innocent yet dashing smile, and Cathryn let out an uneasy laugh at the mention of her mother. Florence's hands tugged at her skirts, trying to sort out the whole night. Perhaps the whole day, she corrected herself. Had it still been today that she'd kissed Clair?

Dinner ended abruptly. Mintie had escorted Ruby to where he would be staying, opposite the wing of the three other children. Maylis was to remain in a smaller room in the center hallway. Mother and Father had retreated to bed, Aurora and Jacob fast asleep now. But the four children had very separate ideas. Ideas that would allow for dreadful intersections.

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