For Fun

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The inside was much different than the previous place. It was shabby yet more lively. Lovers spun to the sound of the scratchy phonograph. It was a cacophony of smells and colors. Liquor and burgundy. Old and young men, middle aged and young women alongside them. Florence smiled quietly at the sight. Cathryn had already dove into the maelstrom of people leaving the other three to only catch glimpses of her light hair among the figures.

"Are we all going to go separate ways, like her?" Florence inquired nervously.

"Not if you don't wish to." Ruby shrugged innocently.

"I'm following after Cathryn." Clair announced, stepping off into the room.

The caused a flower of dread to bloom in Florence's stomach. Alone with Ruby for what seemed like the millionth time again? Clair did a double take and spun back around to face her.

"You'll be alright with Ruby of course?" He asked gently.

Florence's heart leaped at this minor display of concern. This flutter in her chest caused her to fib and say she'd be fine alone with this man whom she knew was beautiful as well. So Clair raced off into the crowd to go find Cathryn.

"Care for a drink Florence?" Ruby questioned, dropping his dark eyes towards her.

Her name rolled from his tongue like honey. The rapid pounding of her heart in her chest was nearly all she could hear.

"You don't have to-" She began to decline politely.

"No, no. It's my pleasure." Ruby interjected smoothly.

He snaked his arm around her waist as whisked her through the people and to the bar. The second her hand touched her, Florence gave what she though was an imperceptible flinch. It hadn't been. Ruby recoiled, a look or concern plastered across his heavenly face.

"Are you- I don't, I'm sorry." This was the first time she'd truly seen him at a loss for words.

Florence grinned at her ability to render him speechless like this. Overcome by a surge of confidence tinged with lust, she guided his hand securely around her waist once more. With a flourish of his fingers, a bartender shuffled over.

"What can I get for you two?" The man asked calmly.

He was slightly older. His chin clean shaven and his hair a rumpled ginger mess. Florence observed his alcohol stained shirt and tired eyes. Perhaps he only worked night shifts. Ruby didn't seem to take any of this into account like she had.

"Just two gin and tonic's s'il vous plaît." Ruby answered quickly.

The bartender raised an eyebrow at Ruby's foreign language.

"Je serai de retour rapidement." He answered with a friendly smile.

"I'll be back shortly."

Cathryn and Clair had easily slipped Florence's mind. Now there was only Ruby. Ruby and his magnificent dark sweeping hair, deep wonderful voice. He turned his chin to face her beside him.

"That's alright with you, yes?" He questioned.

Florence realized he was talking about the drink.

"I've never had one, so I can't say." She replied humorously.

Ruby drew her in closer with his arm around her waist. So close that Florence could feel the rise and fall of his chest. It was almost too much for her to bear, but she didn't protest.

"You'll love it, I assure you." He whispered.

The bartender returned promptly, placing two glasses before them. Then the man muttered something in French while Ruby dug in his coat pocket for change. Florence thanked him profusely afterwards, but he only brushed it aside.

"Now, you have to tell me what you think of it." He ordered as he took a sip of his drink.

"I'm nervous."

"Don't be. It's wonderful." Ruby assured her.

His silky tone was enough to sway her. Florence slowly tilted the glass against her lips and let the sweet bitter liquid into her mouth. Florence immediately stifled a cough in order to not sputter it back out. She sloshed her drink back onto the bar counter with a bump. Her eyes blinked rapidly and her mouth turned sour. Impossibly, Florence giggled in between her chokes. Ruby laughed beside her at her reaction to the alcohol.

"God, Ruby, you didn't tell me it was that strong!" Florence exclaimed, leaning her head against his chest in mock defeat.

Ruby's mouth hung slightly open as he stared at the top of her head. In that split second he made a decision. Florence felt his strong arms encircle her. She sighed against his chest, then inhaled his magnificent scent. With her cheek pressed up against him, she wrapped her arms around his back too. The two stood still like that for a moment.

Florence then gently peeled away, gazing up at Ruby. The murmurs of the bar faded away from around her so all she could see, feel was Ruby. He looked impossibly attractive as he took another swig from his glass. So much so that Florence smiled at his simple action. Ruby turned back to he once he'd set the drink down.


"Nothing." Florence answered with a sly smirk.

Ruby let out a playful groan at her elusiveness. Cathryn managed to weasel her way back into Florence's thoughts.

"Oh my, Ruby." She exhaled.

He shot her an interrogatory glance, "What?"


He understood what she meant, "I see you fell for that fib didn't you? Either way it was simply an embrace."

"You lied to me?" Florence stepped back.

"Not to you darling, don't take these things so personal." Ruby reassured.

"Well why would you lie in the first place?" She shot back.

"It wasn't a complete lie." Ruby spoke calmly, which only flustered Florence more.

"I am here to collect her, I only made up the relationship bit pour s'amuser." He explained with sparkling eyes.

"for fun."

"I assume that's why she looked so taken aback." Florence mused, recalling the other night.

"I've just always taken a liking to her." He explained with a small smile.

"Well then what is your affiliation with her, if you aren't her lover?" Florence pressed.

"Family friend." He answered with a wink.

Florence shivered with delight.

"Oh, wonderful. Although I have to admit I'm still a tad bit upset you lied to me." She teased, resting her chin on her hands at the bar.

"Think of it as more of a joke." Ruby answered whilst sitting himself down on the bar stool.

The two continued speaking as Clair raced around the bar in search of Cathryn.

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