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"Clair, where is Florence!" Cathryn demanded from above him.

He stood to face her reluctantly. "I still haven't seen her. I thought today would be fun, she was so excited for the dance too."

"Well, I'm going searching for her. I'm tired of being the only girl between you and Sam." She stated.

"There's Julie." Clair offered with a shrug.

Cathryn just laughed and headed off towards the hallway. Just then, someone came up from behind him and tugged at his shirt.

"I certainly wasn't eavesdropping, but we're going too!" Announced Sam with a grin.

Clair gave a forced laugh and agreed to follow Cathryn with Sam. Once they were in the west wing, he assumed they should check her room, although he was puzzled as to why she'd want to be alone in her room. Cathryn strode up and rapped upon the brown door. No response came. Sam let out a groan and pretended to slump onto the floor in defeat.

"Can't Ruby just hurry up and tie her corset!" He exclaimed from the floor.

Cathryn let out a gasp. Clair looked down angrily at Sam.

"What? You two really don't think it's coincidental that they're both missing at the same time. And at a fancy dance?!" He looked back and forth between Clair and Cathryn's stunned faces.

Cathryn swallowed and pushed down her horror at what she was going to say. "No, Ruby is with me."

Sam's eyes widened as he hopped up from the carpeted hallway floor. "I didn't-"

But Cathryn wasn't really listening to him. "Oh my, what if they really are together."

A part of Cathryn resented the way she felt. The way she felt like Ruby should still love her and want her. But the other was gloriously rejoicing at the notion he was moving on. Part of her was unsure of whether her reaction was acting or if she was truly horrified of the thought of Ruby with someone else.

Clair took a deep breath. "I'm sure they aren't." He consoled her gently.

"I was only making a joke- if I'd known-" Sam started shyly.

"No, no, it's alright. I understand." Cathryn lied.

"Let's just continue looking." Clair came to her aid quickly.

"Yes." Sam confirmed somewhat nervously.

The three children made their way back to the main hall and up the steps to the east wing. Once they reached the top, they nearly ran into Julie. Sam scoffed playfully at the sight of his sister, who stuck her tongue out at him before turning back to face Clair and Cathryn.

"I was up here looking for Florence." She explained blankly.

Clair could sense something was off, and he dreaded the response to what he was about to ask.

"Did you find her?" He prodded cautiously.

Julies lips stayed pressed together as she bobbed her head up and down.

"I think she wants some alone time right now." She murmured looking at her own feet.

"Is she on the balcony, what's wrong?" Clair already knew she'd have no reason to be in the east wing besides to stand on the balcony and ponder the scene below her.

Julie shook her head gently, making her braids whip and back and forth slightly.

"Well, where is she?" Cathryn pressed.

"She's just with Ruby." Julie tried her very best to speak nonchalantly but she came out shaky.

"In his room?" Clair whispered back to her nervously.

Julie gave an another almost imperceptible nod of her tiny head. After a moment, Cathryn spoke.

"Well, I suppose we've found the both of them. Ruby is most likely showing her his impressive illustration collection. Florence had mentioned to me how she was so eager to see anyways." She informed with a fake laugh.

Both Cathryn and Clair knew very well that Ruby didn't draw, and Sam and Julie understood something was off.

"I suppose I'll find Ruby to dance later." Cathryn spoke calmly again.

Wordlessly, the four children wandered back into the ballroom where they all dispersed. Clair found himself on a balcony overlooking the garden. He traced invisible lines with his fingers of where he walked with Florence on his first day here. His face was drawn and he was confused and sad as to why Florence would be alone with Ruby. It was quite evident due to Julie's odd behavior that he wasn't just talking to her in his room. She seemed to like Clair, all those times they were together, he'd thought she'd felt the same. Clair squeezed his eyes shut and tried not to imagine what Ruby was doing to her. A small tear trickled down his porcelain cheek as he gazed back out at the garden.

Cathryn could be spotted dancing aimlessly with a young man. He was nothing of a phenomenal dancer, he kept tripping over his own feet. But Cathryn didn't mind, she was only thinking. She couldn't decide how to feel, and it was driving her insane. She hated Ruby, she hated in second that he stayed here longer, especially bring Maylis with him. Cathryn imagine that she way dancing across the nursery with her baby in her arms, not with the curly haired klutz before her. She closed her eyes and wished things were different.

Sam and Julie resorted to stuffing their faces at the treat tables. They had to keep visiting different ones to not look much too suspicious lingering at one table for too long. Several times, their parents had come up and scolded the two, but each time Sam and Julie just migrated tables. Sam tried not to think of the confusing situation present, as well as not to ask Julie why she'd been so frazzled. Julie stayed practically silent, along from the small remarks about the food. She wished she were being spun across the floor by a handsome young man instead.

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