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[ lie ]
0:58 ──♡───────── 3:47
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Maybe he shouldn't have chosen that spot for the tattoo, because it annoyed Taehyung how he couldn't get a good view of Jeongguk's pretty face as he worked. All he could do was crane his neck back until the younger told him to "sit properly for God's sake".

Jeongguk took his time wrapping the Saniderm bandage around Taehyung's shoulder, and the older enjoyed the gentle touch more than he should have.

"I'm glad you liked the way it turned out." The younger beamed, seemingly proud. "Just keep this on for the next three hours or so and wash it with warm water and liquid soap— and by warm I mean the closest you can get to hot without burning yourself."

"Gotcha." Taehyung reached out absentmindedly and grasped Jeongguk's hand. "Thank you."

The younger panicked for a good second, then pulled away. "Y-yeah of course."

Taehyung didn't move from his chair and Jeongguk couldn't find it in himself to make him leave. They just stayed there wordlessly, as if reminiscing their last goodbye. Somewhere deep down, they still wanted each other. And it was another turmoil of emotions that came like a storm.

"If I want it colored," Taehyung started, a slight pout on his face, "Do I get to come back and spend more time with you?" He watched for Jeongguk's reaction.

"This— this isn't about us spending time together though..." The younger didn't want to bite his lip in front of Taehyung, so instead he gnawed on the inside of his cheek. "Besides, you had a hard time with the pain. Coloring takes even longer." He looked genuinely sad about the idea of Taehyung hurting.

"I'll do it if it means seeing you again." The older replied.

"This isn't about me, Tae." Jeongguk sighed, then glanced over to Yoongi, who was currently tidying up the workplace. "It's about you and what you want on your skin. Tattoos are special— I don't want you to take that lightly."

Taehyung finally stood, facing Jeongguk. He opened his mouth, and it took a second for him to find the courage to ask "Do you still want to see me, Jeonggukie?".

"I don't know."

It really shouldn't have, but Taehyung's heart leapt at the answer that wasn't a no. Maybe- maybe he had a chance.

"But you don't understand, Taehyung." Jeongguk threw his hands up in defeat, then started peeling the gloves off. "I spent so long getting over you. So fucking long. And now you're here and I—" He inhaled. "I have no idea how I feel about you anymore."

So that was a fucking lie.

As if sweaty palms and the rapid heartbeats wasn't obvious enough. He might as well write I would die for you on his forehead.

The only thing holding him back was fear. Jeongguk had lived life long enough to understand that people change and things happen for a reason. He refused to be reckless, he refused to be hurt again by something neither of them can control.

Taehyung wanted to speak, but got cut off.

"There's a difference between wanting something and... missing something." Jeongguk put simply. He threw the gloves away in the bin. "Jimin thinks I shouldn't even be having this conversation with you."

"He hates me, does he?"

"Hate is a strong word." Jeongguk shrugged before changing the topic. "I'm not gonna be here tomorrow— I promised someone I'd go to their party. But I have a night shift the day after when Yoongi-hyung's out... Are you completely sure about getting it colored?"

Taehyung nodded just as another customer strolled in the shop. Jeongguk glanced at the newcomer and looked apologetically at the older.

"It's okay. I should go." Taehyung smoothed out his shirt and unhooked his jacket. "See you then, Jeonggukie."

Jeongguk couldn't help but love the way his name rolled off Taehyung's tongue blissfully. "Mm, see you."

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